Chapter 11 - The X-Factor And A Surprise Visit

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AN: Hey there readers! Here's chapter 11 for you! I know it's long, but a lot of important things happen!  I hope you like it!

Harry’s POV

              I woke up the next morning before anyone else so I decided to make breakfast for all of us. I trudged into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I saw plenty of eggs so I decided to make omelets. I had finished making the second when Liam and Louis came into the kitchen. They each took one and ate it without out saying anything.

              “Your welcome.” I said sarcastically.

              “Oh Harry, thanks.” Liam said apologetically. 

              “Yeah Harry. What Liam said.” Louis said, his mouth full of food.

              After that Zayn had finally got up. He sat next to Liam, still half-asleep. Liam shoved him. He sat up instantly.

              “What was that for?” Zayn asked. This was going to be a moody day.

              “I believe Harry has something to tell us, like who he was texting at 1am. Right Harry?” Liam said, eyeing me.

              “I’ll tell you everything, but you have to promise not to tell Niall anything okay?” I said seriously and they all nodded.

              “Okay so, basically the person I’ve been texting is Claire and I might have looked at Niall’s phone without him knowing to get her number. I know it’s not an appropriate time, but I kinda fancy Claire. And yesterday she texted me really late to tell me Simon signed her to a record label. The best part is she’s coming to the X-Factor to perform on the live results show this week.” I said.

              I looked at the expressions on there faces. Liam and Louis looked completely surprised. Zayn wasn’t surprised at all. He looked almost mad.

              “Wait were talking about the same Claire that didn’t want to sing in front of us a while ago?” Louis asked. I nodded.

              “Harry, this it turning out to be a complicated situation. I really think you should tell Niall. At least part of it.” Liam advised.

              “No Liam, you don’t understand. I can’t. I promised Claire I wouldn’t tell Niall.”

              “Harry, you don’t have to tell Niall in my opinion, but don’t go after Claire. Niall is still hurting and he’s trying to find a way to make it better. Having a friend flirting with her would hurt in more. He would never be able to focus on the shows.” Zayn said.

              “How do you know this Zayn?” I asked.

              “The day before we all packed me and Niall were the only ones at the hotel and I talked to him. Simple as that.” Zayn answered.

              “Fine. I won’t try anything with Claire, but you can’t tell Niall she’s coming to rehearsal tomorrow. She said she wanted to talk to him in person.” I said a little disappointed. The boys reluctantly agreed and we continued to eat breakfast. When all of us had finished Niall had finally decided to get up. I gave him the last omelet that was probably cold by now. I told everyone I was going upstairs to pack. When I got to my room I pulled out my phone instead of my suitcase. I texted Claire.

Harry to Claire: Good morning beautiful ;p I told the boys. They promised not to tell Niall.

Claire to Harry: Morning Harry! I’m glad. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’m flying out to London and my plane is boarding right now. Text you when I get to London okay?

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