Chapter 27 - Tabloids

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AN: Hi everyone! I don't know if you can tell, but I'm super excited! Why? My Best Friend got over 1,000 reads! I know for some people that isn't a lot, but it's more than I ever expected so a massive thank you to everyone reading! I love you guys so much!!!! <3 

Claire’s POV

              Once we were in Louis’s car I realized he was still in his Superman pajamas. I couldn’t help but start giggling.

              “What?” Louis asked keeping his eyes on the road. Thankfully, he was actually a safe driver, just a little slow.

              “Nice pajamas.” I giggled.

              “I know you’re being sarcastic, but thank you. Superman in the superior super hero.”

              “What ever you say lover boy. By the way, who’s this girl you’re so head over heels for again?”

              “Her names Eleanor. She’s a model.”

              “Sounds good. I’d like to meet her sometime Lou. Thanks for driving me.” I said getting out of the car. Louis waved and I ran into the hotel as quick as possible. I hurried to my apartment and showered. I blow dried my hair and put it into low pigtails. I know pigtails are usually for little girls, but I liked them since and I could actually pull it off. I rummaged through my suitcase and found the perfect outfit. I put on violet skinny jeans, a black and white striped top and a black blazer since it was fall. To finish off my look I grabbed my black converse high-tops and a long necklace. I got my guitar and ran downstairs where the car was already waiting for me. It took me to a small park in centralLondonwhere me and my band set up. I took out my phone and tweeted about the surprise concert. Within five minutes people started showing up and once there was a decent size crowd gathered around us I started the show. I sang a few songs including ones by Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars, and Daughtry. When I was done I talked to everyone for a few minutes before signing autographs and taking pictures. I slowly thanked everyone for coming and made my way to the car. Another thing that I could check off my to-do list. I let sleep take over me as I was taken to Simon’s office for another meeting. I woke up as we were pulling into the parking lot of the X-Factor house. I felt déjà vu since I was here about three hours ago. I got out for the car and made my way towards Simon’s office. I was half expecting to be bombarded by the lads, but there was no sign of them. I softly knocked on Simon’s office and walked in. To my surprise I saw the boys and Simon waiting for me.

              “Hi.” I said taking a seat next to Niall. Simon looked almost angry and the boys were concerned. Was I missing something?

              “What’s going on?” I whispered to Niall.

              “Don’t know.” Niall answered quietly.

              “Then why do you look so concerned?”

              “I don’t know, it’s just when Simon looks like that it’s usually bad news.” I nodded and looked over at Simon. He stood up and handed me a copy of today’s newspaper. The headline was “Are One Direction Serious About A Musical Career?” My mouth dropped open. Underneath was a picture that Harry had taken of just the two of us at the amusement park along with other group shots. I skimmed the article. It talked about who it seemed I was distracting them and they never seemed to be practicing or serious about music. It also mentioned my cheating again. To bad everything was completely twisted.

              “Simon..” I began.

              “Claire, my patience is running thin with you.” Simon cut me off.

              “Why? Because I had a fun day off with my friends?” I raised my voice slightly.

              “No, I don’t really care about what you do on your days off. I care about the bad images your sending to the public.”

              “What bad images? That?” I asked pointing at the picture of me and Harry.

              “Yes Claire. That one. To you and the boys it looks innocent, but to the public it looks like your cheating again.”

              “Simon, I’m sorry, but you need to lighten up. It’s a picture of two people being friends. I already made my situation clear. I’m dating Niall and the people out there who are actually fans should know that.”

              “I’m sure they probably do, but just as a precaution please don’t publicly contact the boys.” I looked at each of their expressions. Liam, Louis, and Zayn all looked sad. Harry looked guilty and Niall looked angry. I took his hand in hopes he would calm down. He squeezed my hand and smiled.

              “So I can’t spend time with them today or tomorrow?” I asked. Simon nodded.

              “Please keep in mind that this isn’t a punishment for you all. It’s helping both our careers.” Simon added.

              “Is that all you needed to talk about?” I asked Simon. He nodded again and we all said our goodbyes. I felt tears form in my eyes once we were in the hallway. Niall pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his shirt.

              “I’m sorry guys.” I choked.

              “No Claire, don’t be sorry. It’s my fault. I’m the one who posted most of the pictures.” Harry said.

              “No, it nobody’s fault. We were just having fun. Nobody thought that it would turn into something bad.” Niall stated.

              “I know, but I still feel bad. I mean, I’m going home tomorrow and I won’t get to see you for a long time because of the tour.”

              “We know babe. It’ll be okay. We can text or talk or Skype all we want.” Louis said trying to make me feel better.

              “I guess.” I said glumly. Then we had a huge group hug in the middle of the hallway. I sadly said my goodbyes to all of the boys and left. I got into the car and stared out the window. Why did Simon have to be so mean? Wait, no. Why did the tabloids have to be mean and lie to everyone? I guess that was just their stupid way of life. When I got back to my hotel I went straight to my room and turned on the TV. I was obviously still upset so I changed into my pajamas, ordered room service and flipped through the channels. There weren’t any good shows on so I settled for a celebrity gossip show. I heard a knock on the door and it was room service. I took the tray and thanked the man. I went back to bed and started on my lunch that consisted of a cheeseburger and chips(fries).  Everything was fine until a picture of me and the boys popped up on the screen. I immediately turned the TV off. I got up and dug through my suitcase again, pulling out my iPod. I put in both earbuds and let the music take over me. I laid back down on my bed and eventually fell asleep.

AN: I hope you liked it! I know it was short, but I wasn't sure what else to write and it doesn't help that I'm super tired. Anyway, I think this book is coming to and end soon, but I have a good reason. I feel like the time period I'm writing in doesn't have a lot more exciting things and I want a fresh start so there will be a sequal FOR SURE! I just feel like there's no more drama and if  I keep writing it would get really boring. I don't really want this to be a long note so the next part I'll post will be more about the sequal. Hope you guys are ok with that! Like always please vote, comment, and fan!

Xx Lily

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