Chapter 21 - The Press Conference

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AN: Hello lovely readers! I'm back with another update! It's not a long one, but I wanted the press conference to be it's own chapter. When you get to it, the writing in italics is different reporters asking questions. Just wanted to let you know and happy reading! Oh, and please read my other note after the chapter! It's important!

Claire’s POV

              The rest of school passed by uneventfully and I hurried home to do my homework before the press conference. When I was done with my work I saw it was almost four. That was when Kari was coming over. I got up from my desk and sprinted into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I had just finished blow drying my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. Darn it. I wasn’t dressed yet. There wasn’t anything I could really put on fast enough so I just tighten my bathrobe and went to answer the door. Thank god it was only Kari. After explaining she didn’t seem to mind my appearance. I left Kari in the living room while I went back to my room to change into some white jeans and a blue long sleeve vintage shirt with the Beatles on it. I called for Kari to come up to my room. Once she was there I asked her a question.

              “Kari, do you wear makeup?” I asked since I actually wasn’t sure.

              “Just a little. Why?”

              “Can you do mine?”

              “But I thought you didn’t wear makeup.”

              “I usually don’t, but I got a text from Mike saying that I had to.”

              “Well, I’ll give it shot. Just remember, I’m not a professional.”

              “Thank you Kari! And hey, you would do a better job than me any day.” I said walking into my bathroom. I opened the cupboard and reached into the very back of it. Yes, I owned makeup. I bought it after I got home from the X-Factor. Simon highly suggested it for “situations.” I guess this was a “situation.” For the next ten minutes Kari did my makeup. When she was done I looked in the mirror. Wow. Kari did a really good job. You could tell I had makeup on, but it looked as natural as it possibly could.

              “Thanks Kari! You did an awesome job!” I said hugging her. She didn’t say anything, but hugged me back. At that moment we heard a car horn outside. It was the car to take us to the conference. We grabbed our phones and our jackets and headed out the door. The car ride lasted about 15 minutes. We parked in the back of the studio and ran in before anyone could see us. Mike met us at the door and led us to the empty room that would soon be full of reporters.

              “So girls, I believe you know how this will work. The conference will last an hour. During it reporters will ask a lot of questions. Only answer appropriate ones that you want to. After an hour I will announce that the conference is over and you two can go home. Just please, be careful of what you say.”

              “Got it.” Me and Kari said in unison. I went over to the table and sat down in the middle chair. Kari was on my right and Mike was on my left. Almost immediately after the doors opened the room was full and flashes were going off everywhere. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do so I stood up and greeted everyone. I then sat down and people started asking questions. I started by picking on a female reporter in the front row.

              “Who is the girl you have with today Claire?”

              “This is Kari. She’s one of my best friends and will be working with me on something I will be announcing later this week.”

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