Chapter 15 - Preparations

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AN: Well, here it is! Like I promised it's chapter 15. I know it's short, but it's about the time before Claire's performance because I want to write that when I'm more rested and have more time. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Claire’s POV

              I woke with a smile on my face. The boys had killed it last night just like I thought they would. And, of course, I voted for them like a thousand times after the show. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they stayed on the show. They were just freaking awesome! Even better, Niall did great with his solo. I got up and practically bounced to the shower. When I was done I put on some baggy sweatpants and a neon PINK t-shirt. I came out of the bathroom to see it was 10! I hated getting a late start to the day! Even so, I was better off than Briana who was still sleeping. I wanted breakfast, but didn’t want to go alone so I tried to get Briana up. I started by tapping her on the shoulder. Nothing. I shook her shoulder. Nothing. I pulled her sheets back. Nothing. I finally got fed up and yelled, “BRIANA! WAKE UP!”

              “What happened?” Briana said sitting straight up.

              “Nothing happened. I just want to eat breakfast with you.” I said.

              “You could have eaten alone and let me sleep.” She mumbled.

              “But I wanted to eat with my friend.”

              “Fine. Just give me a minute.” She said getting up. She went to the bathroom and washed her face and put some makeup on and brushed her hair into a ponytail. Then she grabbed some jeans and a shirt and put them on. She was ready. I knew Briana always showered; she would just do it later. We went down to the dining hall which was empty. I decided on a muffin, fruit, and milk for breakfast. Briana had cereal. Breakfast passed uneventfully and we went back to our room. Briana decided to take a shower and I started packing. It was, after all, our last day here. I would perform on the show tonight, sleep in this room one more time, and tomorrow me and Briana would be on a plane back home. I have to admit that I don’t want to go home. Everybody here is so nice, especially the boys and going home met going back to a normal life and school for a while before me and Simon decided on a next career move. And I would miss the boys so much, Harry and Niall a little more than the other though. I also wondered what would happen between me and Harry. I was starting to have doubts we would have a long distance relationship. I don’t know why, but I did. And Niall. Boyfriend or not I would miss him a lot. Suddenly, my sadness turned to nervousness. I was performing on the show tonight. What would people think of me? What if I messed up? What would happen when I went back to school? Questions swirling around in my head when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw it was Harry.

              “Hey beautiful.” He said.

              “Hey! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the show tonight?” I asked.

              “Oh, rehearsals are later today. I just wanted to see if you would like to go on a walk with me after the show?” He asked.

              “Harry, I know you’re planning something, but sure. I’d love to.”

              “Ok. I’ll talk to you later then.”

              “Bye.” I said closing the door.

              “Did Niall just ask you to go on a walk?”

              “Oh, Briana! You scared me, but no. That was Harry. I think you need to get your hearing checked.” I said going back to packing.

              “Hey! I was in the bathroom! You can’t hear everything in there.” She responded. I looked over at Briana. She had started packing too. By the time both of us were done it was about 1. Yeah, our room was a complete mess. I remembered I had to be down at the stage by 1:30 for a final rehearsal. I asked Briana if she wanted to come and she said yes. At 1:25 we walked down to the studio talking and laughing. When we got there I saw some of the contestants. I looked around for the boys and found Niall sitting on the edge of the stage alone. I went over to him.

              “Hey Niall! Where are the rest of the lads?”

              “Oh Claire, hey. I have no idea where they are. I thought Harry was with you.”

              “Nope. I thought he was with you.”

              “I wonder what he’s doing.”

              “I don’t think I want to know.”

              “Yeah, me neither. You excited to perform tonight?”

              “Try terrified.”

              “Don’t worry you’ll do great.”

              “Thanks Niall. Well I better go. It looks like the producer is looking for me.”

              “Bye Claire.” Niall said as I got up. I went over to the producer and director. After talking to them a while everything was set and I got up onstage to rehearse. To my embarrassment the director made everyone be quiet so he could hear me better. I started my song and everybody watched me. When I got done everyone clapped. I just smiled. I went to the side of the stage to put my guitar and microphone away. Then I went and sat in the audience with Briana. The director wanted me to stay for the whole rehearsal to see the whole process. I sat there and took out my phone since Briana wasn’t paying attention she was sitting and talking to some cute guy. That’s when someone came up to me.

              “Hi. May I help you?” I asked trying to be polite to the stranger in front of me.

              “Oh, no. I just wanted to say you were incredible to watch. You have an amazing voice.” The girl said.

               “Oh, why thank you.” I said smiling. We chatted for a few minutes before she had to go rehearse. I was genuinely shocked. I hadn’t expected anyone to comment on my performance. I sat there with a smile on my face and watched the rehearsal. To my surprise a few more people came up and complemented me on my performance. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all. 

AN: Well, there it is! I hoped you liked it and expect an awesome update on Sunday or Monday! I'm planning on some drama! I'm going to bed soon, so I hope you guys have a great rest of the week!


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