Chapter 18 - Goodbye

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AN: Hello lovely readers! I'm excited for you to read this chapter? In the last one you found out Niall still loves Claire. Now you get to find out how Claire feels. This was a fun chapter to write and I hope you like it!

Claire’s POV

              I woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm clock. I was usually an early riser, but I had gotten in late from my date with Harry and I really wanted to sleep. Sadly, I couldn’t. I had a meeting with Simon in 20 minutes and then I had a flight to catch. Slowly I drug myself to the bathroom and took a shower. The hot water felt good on my aching body. When I was finished I saw Briana was awake and watching TV. She was smiling like an idiot.

              “Claire, you have to see this!”


              “You’re on the news.”

              “Really?” I asked, running over to the TV, jumping over my bed. Well, almost. Either way, I had ninja skills.

              “Here is a recap of the X-Factor if you missed it last night.” The reporter said. A video of me started to play.

              “Last night on the X-Factor Simon Cowell’s newest artist performed. That was a video of Claire, a teenager from Mullingar,Ireland who was discovered by a producer for Simon’s label. She performed a cover of Life After You last night and I have to say, it seems like this girl is going to go far. In addition to her performance-“ I started screaming. I was on the freakin news! That was absolutely incredible. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw it was the boy who delivers the newspaper to all the residents of the X-Factor house. I took the paper and thanked him. I looked at the front page. There was a huge picture of me with the headline “Newcomer Claire Rocks X-Factor.” Holy Crap. I flipped to the article/review and started reading out loud.

              “Last night was a night of unexpected, yet amazing surprises on the X-Factor. The show began with performances from the contestants and then moved to an unfamiliar girl. I am sure everyone watching had no clue who the girl was. That girl was Claire, a newcomer to the music world signed by Simon Cowell. She did and interview, in which she reveal she had ties to the X-Factor, telling everyone she is currently dating Harry Styles. At this point I was not intrigued by this girl. She was too normal. But my opinion has made a 360 after watching Claire perform a cover of Life After You. Claire shows she has the ability to sing and play guitar. This young girl has made quite the first impression and I have no doubt she will go far.” I screamed again.

              “Briana, can you believe this? People liked me!”

              “Of course they like you! You were amazing!”

              “Crap!” I exclaimed after looking at the clock. “My meeting with Simon is starting in five minutes and I’m not even ready!” I threw on an old t-shirt and skinny jeans as quick as I could. Then I ran over to the closet and put on my black high tops with neon green laces. I grabbed my sweatshirt and phone before running out the door. I ran full speed toward Simon’s office. When I got there I looked at my phone. I was late. I knocked on the door.

              “Come in.” I heard and I opened the door. I sat down in the chair across from Simon.

              “I’m sorry I’m late Simon. I got distracted by the article in the paper.”

              “Don’t worry Claire. I was planning on you being late. Yesterday was quite eventful.” I nodded and he continued. “The first thing I want to talk about is what will happen over the next few weeks. Later today you will fly back to Ireland and tomorrow you will attend school like you usually would. Please don’t try to make a scene or do something stupid. The less attention you get right now, the better. I’m currently working with Mike on starting your very own album. I would like to know if you would like to help write any of the songs.”

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