Chapter 23 - A Busy Week

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AN: Hello eveyone! I sorry I didn't update yesterday, but my grandpa passed away because of lung cancer and I needed to be with my family. To be honest I'm not really effected since I never met him, but it's still sad. One thing that did brighten my day was that I'm at 10 fans! Thank you all so much! It means a lot! I hope you like chapter 23!

Claire’s POV

              Just like I had suspected, Monday was not fun. I hadn’t finished my required school work as early as I thought and ended up working until about 3am. In the end I actually did finish all my work, but I doubt it was good quality. Curse you Niall. Yeah, after lunch Niall had texted me which turned into two hours of texting. Then of course Harry tweeted me and started another petty between the boys. Why did I have to get distracted so easily? Anyway I finally went to bed and slept for an amazing five hours.

              Tuesday was quite interesting. Despite my lack of sleep I was suprisingly hyper. It was absolutely amazing to meet Daughtry! They seemed like very nice lads and I was even more excited to tour with them now. And I was defiantly planning on playing some pranks. The only thing that could have made Tuesday better was if Kari could have been there since she was going on tour with them too. Sadly she had to stay inIrelandfor school.

              Wednesday another interesting day. Since I didn’t have to be to the TV studio until late in the afternoon Niall took me out on a date. He ended up setting up a picnic in the park and everything was going perfect until people spotted us. Before I could blink we were surrounded. Let’s just say we finished our picnic inside. Then I was carted off to Alan Carr where I did my first fan meet and greet. When everything was over I went to back to my hotel room. Of course it was another late night. 2:30am to be exact.

              Now today is Thursday and I haven’t talked to the boys yet. It was about noon and I had just left the hotel to go to the X-Factor studio. I was literally fighting with myself as I watched everything pass me by in the car. Do I tell the boys before hand or surprise them? Both options had disadvantages. If I told them, they could get nervous. If I surprised them it would knock them off guard. That’s when I mentally slapped myself. I couldn’t really surprise them since there was a rehearsal. Wow, I was so smart. I finally got to the studio and stepped out of the car into the brisk wind. Why must I live in such a cold place? I ran into the house where it was warm and headed down to the stage. I still remembered my way around from last time I was here. When I got to the stage I saw all the contestants were already there. When the producer saw me he came up and greeted me. He led my to the judges table where I met Simon, Louis, and Cheryl. I looked up at the stage for the boys as I sat down. The only one who had noticed me was Harry. I gave him an evil smile. He looked dumbfounded and nudged Niall. He pointed at me which got the other boys attention. They had literally stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I think I was about to start crying I was laughing so hard. I really wish I had taken a picture of their faces. That would have been priceless, but they had seemed to recover quickly and moved on. Finally the producer had finished with me and moved on to the contestants. I saw everyone disband off the stage except for the girl group, Belle Amie. That’s when I heard someone behind me. I turned around in my super awesome swivel chair to see the boys had taken a seat behind me.

              “Hello boys.”

              “Claire, very funny. You surprised us, but you might want to leave before our guest judge gets here.” Louis said completely serious. I laughed.

              “Louis, I am the guest judge.”

              “What?” All five boys chorused.

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