16. Change of behaviour

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Edited: 11 June, 2020

My eyelids were heavy, making me want to leave them closed. But there was something in the back of my mind, as I recalled some of my memories, that forced me to try to struggle against the darkness. I attempted to open my eyes, but I had to close them back almost immediately, as the light painfully tried to force itself through my retina. I have tried a couple of more times, squinting at the uncomfortable feeling, before my eyes finally started getting used to the bright lights above me.

My memories were blurry. I could remember bits and pieces, but there wasn't a clear picture in front of me, nor a timeline that helped me put the puzzles back together. I remembered the pain I felt, I remembered Soomi and her friends attacking me. I remembered the boy who lured me into the trap. But memories in between were a mess, which caused me a rather painful headache as I tried to organise them.

As I slowly looked around, everything was covered in white around me. The ceiling was white with a linoleum light on the middle, that kept flickering. The walls matched it in colour with a simple blue line crossing through horizontally. The cover on top of my body was also of a dirtier shade of white colour as if it has gone through the washing machine more than it was destined to.

I didn't have to think twice to realise that I was in a hospital. The heavy beeping of the machine on the side of my bed, connected to my body through a wire, and the IV drops slowly coming down the tube straight into my vein, cleared up fairly quickly my whereabouts.

I've never liked hospitals and as my brain started functioning quite usefully, a slight panic came over me. I pulled the needles out of my arm and back of my hand, throwing them towards the ground, leaving spots of blood on my skin, bedsheet and floor. I felt no need to be there. I was just fine. Or at least, I tried to make myself believe that.

I was about to get myself into a seated position, but my moves caused a strong painful sensation to shot through my side, forcing me to organise my heavy breathing. I attempted the same move again, in a slower pace, to give my body enough time to adjust. I lifted my duvet away from me, wincing in pain. I was in a pair of light blue trouser as a bottom and a white gown on the top. I lifted the hem of my white hospital shirt, when I realised I was wrapped into an enormous bandage around my torso. I pulled it back down, heaving a deep sigh in frustration.

I was about to try and get myself in a standing position. I lifted one of my leg, placing it over the edge of the bed. I could hardly feel the cold tiles under my toes, as I was unable to completely reach the floor. I repeated the same movement with my other leg, pushing myself further and further to the edge of the bed. As my feet completely touched the ground, I got hold of the night stand right next to me to support my weight.

I felt I have achieved a dream, I have wanted for a long time as I stood on my legs. I felt the shakiness of my knees and strengthless support of my thighs, but I shook it out of my head. I was standing on my own. I attempted to move one of my leg in front of the other, making my first step as if I was baby who was just about to learn to walk. But I was unsuccessful. My legs couldn't support my weight and I started falling. I was waiting patiently for the impact.

Quick footsteps shook me out of my thoughts, and soon two gentle arms wrapped themselves around my waist, making me wince from the sudden pain. I took heavy breaths, to calm myself down, as it took me a great amount of power to even force myself out of the bed. I didn't realise the effort my body had to make to support me.

I looked up, as my saviour pulled me up into a standing position and I met the darkest brown eyes which now shined warmer than ever. I could barely feel my weight as he held me tightly against his body. 

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