New Frienemies

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I slowed Pepperoni to a stop, looking at the mysterious boy.

He rode toward me slowly. When he got to me the first thing he did was smile. "You're not from around here are you?" He asked, his voice had a bit of a southern accent.

"How'd you tell Blondie?" I replied, looking him over.

He was a sight I'll tell you that much. He had blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes. I could tell he was taller than me although we were both on horses. I could also tell he was examining me as well.

"Well I haven't seen you around here and your saddle is also on backward" he said, chuckling.

"What?" I looked at the saddle and then the back of it. Well.. the front.

He laughed. He had a nice laugh. I sighed softly and looked at him coldly.

I hopped off Pepperoni and he automatically started walking away. "Hey come back!" I called after the horse.

Mr. Blonde guy laughed more and hopped off his horse as well. He walked over to Pepperoni and took the reins.

I groaned. "This is embarrassing" I mumbled. "Yes seems like it would be" he said, smiling. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

He laughed a bit more and took it upon himself to fix my saddle.

"Who are you?" I asked him as he finished with my saddle. He looked at me silently. I gave him a look. It was the kind of look that said 'are you gonna answer me?'

"Travis Brody" he said, patting my horse. "You are?"

"Ronnie." I said plainly. I've always gone by Ronnie. My full name is Veronica Sanchez. But he didn't need to know that.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ronnie" he said, looking down on me. Jeez he was like a foot taller than me.

Let me tell you it is not fun being short. "Likewise" I said, climbing on my horse. That way I could look down on him.

He looked at me silently then smiled and got on his horse.  "You just moved into the house sharing this land didn't you?" He asked. "Yes I did" I replied. "Cool. Looks like I'll be seeing you around a lot more often" he said before clicking his tongue and ushering his horse away from me.

"Wait what do you mean??" I yelled after him. He just looked back at me and tipped his hat.

I can already tell that this is gonna be a great living arrangement..

Hey guys! It's Ronnie! Second chapter! Remember to give constructive criticism please!

Life of Ronnie (Travis Brody×OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now