Travis's 'Family' pt 2

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~Jake's POV~

I quietly followed Ronnie upstairs. If she thinks she can get away with what happened in the stable, she's got another thing coming. I was just trying to make her life better.

I followed her up to the room and inside. She sat on the bed with her back facing me. She shook her head slightly. I smirked.

I closed the door and she whipped around to face me in surprise.

"Jake! GET OUT!" She yelled. I quickly leapt forward and slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Don't yell" I hissed.

She struggled under my grip then I felt something wet on my hand.

"Ew! Did you just lick me??" I scoffed, wiping my hand on my shirt

"Travis!!" She yelled

"Shush!" I hissed, pulling her off the bed and pinning her against the wall. Footsteps were heard downstairs.

I growled and faced her.

"Why would you like that loser? He's nothing! Worthless" I hissed.

"That's where you're wrong. He's more than you'll ever be" she retorted.

I growled at her again as the door opened behind me.

"Jake! Get away from her!" Travis yelled. I scoffed and stepped back. Ronnie immediately ran to Travis's side.

He glared at me. "Seriously?" He spat.

I glared at them both and pushed past them and out the door. Just as I got out the door, someone grabbed my wrist.

I turned to see Ronnie, a cold look on her face

"What?" I spat

She said nothing but instead she shin-kicked me. I yelped in pain.

"Don't you ever touch me again. I may be small but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass. I'm from New York. We come in two kinds. Tough and rough. I'm both." She threatened.

I scoffed and stormed downstairs and out of the house.

~Ronnie's POV~

"Damn.." Travis mumbled as we watched his brother storm out, "didn't know you had that in you"

I laughed a little and kissed him. He immediately kissed back.

We pulled away and I led him back downstairs.

"Where'd Jake go?" Jill asked

"Oh. He had to go. He hurt his shin" I said simply. Travis snorted a little then cleared his throat.

I sat down happily.

~time skip~

We were riding through the Brodys' pasture, letting the horses get a bit of exercise.

I was a bit quiet, which Travis noticed.

"He didn't hurt you did he? Because if he did then his life is going to be a living hell"

"I'm fine Travis" I said, looking at him

"You don't seem fine Ronnie" he replied. I sighed.

"I'm just thinking" I said

"About what..?" He asked

"Stuff" I said plainly

"Very specific" he said sarcastically. I gave him a look

"Alright.." he said slowly, "race ya back to the house" he said before getting his horse to gallop away from me.

I quickly ushered Pepperoni to follow him. He beat me this time

The sun began to set

We put the horses in the stables then went inside.

"There you are! Would you like to join us for Scrabble?" Jill asked as we walked in.

"That sounds-" I started but Travis cut me off

"No thanks Mom. We're just gonna head to bed" he said. I looked up at him and he shook his head.

I shrugged and looked at his parents.

"Alright good night you two" his mom said happily

Travis nodded and pulled me upstairs

"Why'd you say no?" I asked

"Because Dad cheats and mom takes forever to finish her turn" he said

"Oh.." I said softly. I flopped on the bed and then curled up under the covers.

"Not gonna change?" He asked

I shook my head

He chuckled and laid next me. He pulled me close to him and we soon fell asleep

A/N: feeling lazy so they'll be leaving in the next chapter

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