Crushing Blues

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A/N: okay full disclosure, the new character is completely based off Ian from Siren's Lament. Good webtoon I strongly recommend it. But yea.. I also totally had a dream about him so I wanna incorporate his personality into this. Sooo yea

~Ronnie's POV~

I yawned. I don't know how long we'd been there. I don't know when I fell asleep. All I know was it was sun down and I woke up laying on Travis's chest, one of his arms wrapped around me

I looked up at his face and couldn't help but smile. He was just snoozing away, a small smile on his perfect lips. I blushed lightly as I stared at him.

'When did we fall asleep? I don't remember.. last thing I remember was him hugging me..' I thought to myself.

I laid my head back on his shoulder and just watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest. I could stay like this forever

But it wouldn't last forever. He'd have to wake up at some point. And it'd get awkward.

It's always awkward.

I sighed again.

After a few minutes, I felt Travis stir a little and I squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe it'd be less awkward if he thought I was asleep still.

I heard a small tired groan, felt his arm tighten around me as he sat up a little. After a moment of silence, he scooped me up in his arms and began walking.

I blushed a little but stayed quiet. I usually didn't like being carried but this was nice. (A/N: I hate being carried with a passion)

I found myself snuggling against his chest. He chuckled softly.

After a moment, I heard the creak of him opening my front door. And I flushed at the sound of my mother's voice.

"Travis? What are you doing here?" She asked, I could feel her eyes on me.

"We were working on a project. Guess we fell asleep when we took a break" he explained.

"Oh.. well her room's down the hall. You're welcome to stay the night, although we don't have a guest room.."

"No thanks ma'am.. I should head home anyway.." he said politely. Then he began walking again and I began getting drowsy again.

He laid me on my bed and I felt him kiss my forehead. Then I felt my cheeks burn.

"Sleep well darling.." he mumbled then he yawned. I listened to the sound of his boots leaving my room and yawned. I smiled to myself as I slipped back into the sweet embrace of sleep

~time skip brought to you by our new character :3~

I woke up bright and early the next morning. Mom was already gone so I got straight down to business. (To defeat the huns)

We'd lost a lot of time yesterday due to falling asleep and I wasn't gonna have that again. Even though it was really nice..

I was in the middle of lazily making toaster waffles when there was a knock at my door.

'what is he doing here so early?' I thought to myself. Nonetheless I was happy to be able to see him again.

I opened the door "hey Blo- Jackson?" I looked up at the last person I'd excepted to be at my door.

Life of Ronnie (Travis Brody×OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now