Meeting Travis's 'family'

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By Family I mean the people he lives with since I don't know what's going down with his parents, I'm just saying he's an orphan. Also shout out to hammyisaninja for being such a sweetheart!!

~Ronnie's POV~

One day, Travis and I were riding through the fields. It was very sunny outside, hot.

I wore a white tank top and shorts. My favorite red flannel (which also actually belonged to Travis. I'd gotten attached to wearing his clothes. They smelled like him 030) was wrapped around my waist. I had my hat on my head.

My curly red hair was in a slightly messy braid that draped over my shoulder. It was messy because I had braided it the night before when I went to bed.

I clenched Pepperoni's reins nervously. Today I was going to meet Travis's family. He'd told me about them a lot. But this was the day I finally got to meet them. We were staying at their house for the weekend.

Travis looked over at me and smiled softly.

"Is that the great Veronica Sanchez, nervous? I don't believe it" he joked. I gave him a small smile but kept staring at the reins in my hand.

(You guys I just saw SpongeBob ride a transition bubble from jellyfish fields to the Krusty Krab. That sponge can do anything....... Anyway. Ignore my childish ways. Back to the story)

He took my hands gently and smiled at me. "You are the perfect girl. You're fun, spunky, full of life, and absolutely lovable. My folks are gonna love you" he said with that warm smile that can melt any heart in an instant.

I smiled back, immediately calming down.

"So. How long do we get there? We've been riding for hours. Pepperoni is getting tired.."

"Just a few more minutes I believe" he replied, looking ahead.

Ahead of us, not too far away, was a quaint little house. I smiled at the sight of it.

He looked at me "race ya"

"Huh?" Before I could process what he had said, his horse was galloping away and toward the house.

I gasped and furrowed my brows. "C'mon Pep'! Let's go!" I said as Pepperoni began galloping after Travis.

I grinned as the wind blew my hair behind me. I had to hold onto my hat to make sure I didn't lose it.

It wasn't long before I caught up. After a moment, I passed him. We got there just as I did and I had one our little race.

I hopped off Pepperoni and grinned victoriously.

Yeah. I admit it. I'm the worst kind of winner.

"I win!" I cheered and I did a little dance.

"Actually. I think I won Sugar" he said, using the nickname he'd given me. That and his deep southern accent could make a girl weak at the knees I'm telling you..

"What are you talking about I clearly wo-" he cut me off by passionately kissing me on the lips.

After a moment, he pulled away. "Yea.. heh you won" I said in a small daze

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