Morning Surprises

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When I woke up the next morning, I went about my morning routine.

I got up, got dressed, and did the dishes. There was a note on the counter from Mom saying she'd dropped the twins off at a daycare and would be gone all day in search of a job.

Mom used to be a model. Why she decided to leave New York City to come to the middle of nowhere is beyond me. But now she's unemployed. Which means she'll be gone a lot looking for work.

It also said that she'd hired the neighbors' farm hand to help me take care of our land. Didn't say anything about who he or she was. Just said when they'd get here. I had an hour.

I grabbed my skateboard and went outside to the drive way. Mom said that part of the driveway would never be used. So I decided to turn it into my own private skate park.

I love boarding. Good way to spend the day. Building a skate park is easy. Just get some pipes and some wood. You weld together the pipes to make the railing. My Mom got me a special drill that could drill into concrete so I set that up easily. After moving some of my old ramps into the area, I set them up a bit far from each other.

I looked over my work proudly. That's right. I like to build and weld. Not all girls are dress wearing beauty queens. I appreciate hard work.

I grabbed my board and happily tried out my skate park. I did a few kick flips and an olly. Little did I know that while I was skating I had a nosy admirer.

When I finally noticed him, I yelped in surprise. Unfortunately I was in the middle of skating on the rail (apologies that I don't actually know what that's called). I fell off the board and hit the ground hard.

"Ow.." I mumbled, sitting up. He came over and looked over me almost protectively.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked, "I didn't mean to scare you" I glared at him and punched him in the chest. He let out a oof sound.

"Don't scare me like that you jerk! What are you even doing here??" I scolded him. He chuckled. "Guess your mom didn't tell you that she hired me to help you around the house until she gets a job and is around more often hm?" He asked

"What?? You're the farm hand?" I asked, "Look Blondie don't get in my way. I will not tolerate you scaring the bejesus out of me every time you come here"

He chuckled and saluted playfully. "Yes ma'am" he said sarcastically

"Don't sass me boy. I know karate" I said, pointing my finger at his neck threateningly. He put his hands up defensively.

"Alright you got it" he said, giving me a charming smile. I stood up, rolling my eyes.

I walked toward my house. He followed of course. I walked in and showed him around. After the tour I went to my room to grab Tony off his charger. Being a robot made from a phone and a lightbulb he needed charging.

"Hey there little buddy" I said happily. He buzzed happily. I placed him on my shoulder and walked into the living room.

Travis looked at me then his eyes looked at Tony. Tony looked back at Travis. "What's that?" Travis asked, pointing at him.

"This is Tony. I made him" I replied happily. Travis nodded and got uncomfortably close to me, looking at Tony.

"Could you take a few steps back? You're cramping my style" I said, narrowing my eyes. He smirked.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Because if you don't I'll punch you in the gut" I said, glaring at him.

He nodded and backed up. He put his thumbs in his back pocket.

I sighed. "I'm gonna make pancakes. Do you want some?" I looked at him

"Sure. I'll help" he said, walking into the kitchen. I followed him.

I started grabbing ingredients from cabinets. I grabbed a mixing bowl and set it on the counter. I hadn't noticed that the entire time I was grabbing ingredients, Travis was watching me.

~Travis' POV~
(wowie I changed point of view)

I watched as Ronnie grabbed things from cabinets silently.

She hadn't seemed to notice that I was staring at her like a creep. She grabbed a bowl and put the ingredients in and started mixing.

I grabbed some bacon from her freezer and found a frying pan. I began to cook the bacon. As I was cooking, I heard Ronnie start humming softly. I listened happily.

She was humming a song I'd never heard before. But it was a good song. I chuckled when she started dancing a bit while cooking the pancakes.

I watched as she danced the kitchen, flipping pancakes and imitating a guitar. I laughed and she stopped dancing and looked at me. Her cheeks turned pink and she glared at me. "What? Don't let my presence stop you. Keep going" I said happily. She punched me in the arm.

Her punches were hard. And painful

I rubbed my arm and chuckled, continuing to cook the bacon. She went back to cooking pancakes, no dancing involved.

She finished the pancakes and put them on the plates. She sat on the counter, watching me. She was obviously waiting for me to finish the bacon.

I finished and put the bacon and the plates. She took her plate happily and sat at the table.

I sat next to her and looked at her as she ate. Her eyes looked around silently. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a confused look. "What?" She asked. I shrugged and ate.

~this time skip was brought to you by Tiny Box Tim~

~Ronnie's POV~

We headed to the stables, Tony sitting on my shoulder. Travis' horse was outside them. I went inside and got Pepperoni. I led him outside. Travis had suggested that he show me around town. Since I was new I agreed. Apparently it was normal to just ride horses around in this town.

We both got on our horses and rode into town

Whoop! Done again! Third chapter. Let me know what you guys think! Have a great day!

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