Detention On Saturday

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At school

"This totally isn't fair! I can't believe that we got a detention on Saturday just because Principal Snoke forced us to come to school." Hux complained as he began to groan because he and his friends got in a detention on Saturday.

"I have never got in detention before." Rey said.

"I'm some kind of nervous." Poe said.

"If you hadn't made us late to class, we wouldn't be here!" Phasma yelled at Poe as she was very mad at Poe for making late to class.

"I was choking on a pretzel!" Poe said.

"Then why are you always got to be choking on something." Hux complained to Poe.

"Damn it Hux, give him a break!" Finn said.

"Yeah, It's not Poe's fault he would have finished his pretzel!" Rey said.

"It's average." Ben said.

"Ha!" Poe said.

"Hey, who's in charge of detention anyway?" Rey said.

"Principal Snoke." Ben said to Rey as Principal Snoke enters the library.

"Morning waz bags. Detention is that way, library. Get ready for the worst day of your lives." Principal Snoke said as he pointed up the stairs to the library and Poe, Finn, Phasma, Hux, Rey and Ben walked up the stairs.

In the library

There are six tables in two rows of three, Poe is sitting in the front table Finn comes in and sits next to Poe, Phasma and Hux were sitting in the back behind of Poe and Finn. Rey sits in the back corner of the table and Ben sit next to her as Principal Snoke enters the library.

"Well, well, I would like to congratulate you all for coming ." Principal Smoke said.

Rey raises her hand. 

"Excuse me, sir? I think there's a mistake here, I mean, school closes on the weekends but I don't think we are not going to school on Saturday."

But Principal Snoke doesn't care. He just continue to talk.

"It's 7:06 and you clowns are gonna stay here all day and think about why you're in detention." Principal Snoke said as Phasma spits gum into a air and catches and puts in her mouth.

"Is this a test?" Ben said to Principal Snoke as he passes the paper and pencils and take no notice of Ben.

"When I mean essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear Mr. Solo?" Principal Snoke said.

"Crystal." Ben said

"Good, maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you decided whether or not you care for return."  Principal Snoke said as Poe raises his hand and then stands.

"You know, I can answer that right now sir. That'd be no, no for me. cause -" Poe said as he got cut off by Principal Snoke.

"Sit down Dameron!" Principal Snoke shout.

"Thank you sir." Poe said as he sit down to his chair.

"There will be no talking, no move from the seats, and no sleeping." Principal Snoke said.

"My office." He said as he pointed "Is right across the hall. Any monkey business is ill advised."

"Any questions" he said as everyone shook their heads.

"Good." He said. "But if I see you guys use your phones, I will put your box of phones right here and will give all of you five Saturday detentions!" He shouted as he pointed at the top of the bookshelf and leaves.

Everyone was trying to get comfortable although Rey was looking at her phone going on her Instagram liking fashions and makeup tutorials as Phasma turns to look at her.

"What?" Rey asked.

"Rey, you're not supposed to go on your phone for social medias, you are supposed to write an essay!" She said.

"Well, at least Principal Snoke didn't notice, and besides, he was in his damn office!" She shout as she puts her phone in her pocket.

"Rey please, if Principal Snoke saw you using your phone, he'll confiscate it and put it on the top of the shelf." Hux said as Principal Snoke look out from his office. 

"Who do you think I am? Who are you? Who are you" Poe quietly to himself as he attaches the pen to his bottom lip and puts the top under his upper lip.

"I am a walrus." Finn said as Ben looks at him in utter confusion. Finn and Poe notice this, laughs and Poe takes the pen out of his mouth, embarrassed.

Ben look at Poe and Finn in utter confusion. As Finn and Poe notices, laughs and Poe takes the pen out of his mouth, embarrassed.

"I cannot even believe it, this essay was way harder than I thought!" Phasma complained as she crumple her essay paper and throw it at Hux.

"What the hell Phasma?!" Hux yelled at Phasma because she throw her crumple essay paper at him.

"Hey! What was going in there?" Principal Snoke shouted. "Smug little pricks!" He said to himself.

"I'm sorry Hux, this stupid essay paper was way to hard for me to write down." Phasma said.

"It's fine Phas, don't do it again, okay?" Hux said.

"Okay." Phasma said.

The Breakfast Club Star Wars AU VersionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang