Chapter 4

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Warning: Self-harm included.

Third POV

After the long periods, the final bell rings. The bells students are always waiting for. Their home, where their loved ones will be waiting. Gathering at home after a long day...except for (y/n) and Miku.

After the incident, Miku decided to moved into (y/n)'s house and sell her house. Besides, they only had each other left.


Along their way back home, Miku was not like she was used to be...happy, loud or even annoying. She just keep quiet and by her look, she was lost in her own thoughts.

(Y/n) feeling worried with his girlfriend as he knew what's really going wrong. Slowly and gently he held her hand and squeeze to get her attention. Luckily he did.

She then snapped out and look at him with a tired looking eyes.

"Miku are you okay? You don't look like you're focusing. Is there something wrong?" he ask, looking into her eyes, trying to find an answer.

She does not want him to worry much about her so she lied. "Oh, nothing. I just lost somewhere."

Unfortunately, her answer didn't convince him much, making him feel curious about her. As if she was hiding something from him.


"Miku, dinner's ready," called (y/n) from the kitchen as he prepared the table. Of course eversince (y/n) live alone, he must learn to be independent and survive, which it was the reason why he can cook.

Added with him living alone, he had offer Miku to live with him as they only have each other. Of course she's also a good cook but they have decided to take turns to make meals.

The dinner was quiet but it is not the usual quiet that they always experience. (Y/n) somehow sense something out of the ordinary. He does not know what is it but the feeling of tension in between them are so strong. As if something bad gonna happen to them.

After a while, he finally gain his courage to break the tension silence.

"Miku, are you okay? You have been really quiet for the whole day. Is there something bothers you?"

(Y/n) wait for her answer but she didn't speak a word. Judging by her look, she look really tired and somehow she was in a trance. She barely touch her dinner, which makes him more worry about his girlfriend.

"Miku?" he called her again as he snap his finger to wake her up.

Your POV

I sigh when I realize she was dazing. I know something was wrong and its bothering me. When she had problem, she always come and find me to talk about it but this whole day, she didn't speak even a single words.

"Oh! Sorry (y/n) but I'm not hungry," she spoke as she stand up from the table, leaving her food untouched.

From that moment, I know something wrong about her. After the new kid encounter, she doesn't look like herself. As if she was hiding something from me. She keeping it for herself but why? Did she lose trust on me? Or she was been threaten?


After I finish dinner alone, I decided to have a talk with her. I went to the living room where she always be there watching tv after dinner but when I check, she's not there. I then decided to check her room instead. I turn the door knob only to find out that the door was locked.

"Miku, are you there?" I called as I knocking the door, hoping that she will open. There's no response but after I stop knocking, I heard something like a faint heavy breathe.

From that moment, I started to panic on all the possibilities that could happen to her. I then start banging the door.

"Miku, open up! Let me in!" I called her as I keep banging the door. After a few banging, I had no choice except to barge into her room.

I step back before running to the door but failed. The second time I tried but still the same. On the third try, I ran to the door and manage to knocked the door open.

When I finally in, I was shocked and terrified with her in such condition. She was on the floor, breathing heavily with a small pool of blood.

I ran to her and quickly grab her. I inspect her hand where she had cut it. There were several new cuts. It was quite deep but luckily she still conscious.

I pull her into an embrace and tears silently falling. I can feel her arms wraping my neck and sobbed.

What happen to her? I thought. Seeing her hurting herself makes me feel like I have failed to do my own task. To take care of her. Every second of my life, I always think of dying but having her in my life gives me a reason on why I should keep living.

But now, there's no reason on why I should live anymore.


As I promise you all! A longer chapter!! :D

I'm really sorry for the reaaaaaaaally long hiatus. I just don't have the idea and the motivation and to continue the story. Also, I've been a little down this lately and deeper as I could say...if you know what I mean.

This chapter is also I dedicated to Sun_the_roamer for beung the inspiration to writing this new chapter! Without his idea, I wouldn't done this!

That's all my fellow reader-chans! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! ↖(^ω^)↗

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