Chapter 6

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Third POV
The next day...

"I'm going (Y/n)," Miku said from the front door as she prepare herself for a walk.

It was Saturday and she was thinking that she should take a walk at the park after the incident that happen to her last night.

She let out a heavy sigh as she wear her turquoise jacket, hiding her scars that she made it last night.

(Y/n) on the other hand thought that she need some alone time. After the incident she had gone through last night, it is better for her to rest her mind. So, he decided to take all the works that Miku should do and told her to take a walk. At first, Miku feel like she was a burden for him but eventually she reluctantly accept it.

At the park...

Since it was in the middle of autumn, all of the leaves at the park turns reddish and orange and slowly falling down to the ground. Even though it was quite cold but it didn't bother Miku a single bit. In fact, she really likes it a lot. Cold but at the same time warm, just like her.

As she put her headphone on and listening to her favourite song, she observe her surrounding.

It was peaceful. Although there are some people around the park, it still a perfect place to rest herself from her mess up mind.

Even though she was listening to musics, she still could hear the sound of children not far away from her place. They are laughing as the play happily with the others.

She may have been gone through all her painful life but her happy memories is what makes her becoming a tough girl. She smile at those memories.

After a peaceful walk, she then sit on a bench at the park, watching every human beings minding their own buisness.

As she was watching, her mind wanders, far away from her reality into her dreamy land.

Every thoughts came pass inside her mind and repeatedly passing. It was bothering at first but soon she just let it slide.

Why she was born? Why did I have to face everything? Am I a mistake? Her thoughts keep playing inside her mind like a broken tape.

But she knew her purpose to live. She knew why she's still living and she knew why she have to face everything.

Because she had (Y/n). She knew he was broken from the first met and by being by his side, she knew she could trust him.

But soon after that, she start to shiver. Not because she was cold. She was afraid with the new kid, Ferral Dalmien.

She knew him and she knew he still remembers her...


Third POV

After school was over, Miku start packing her stuff inside her bag. Everyone starting to leave the class. (Y/n) had told her to wait for him for a while because he had to help their teacher.

Miku sat down at her table quietly while waiting for him. It was not long when Ferral came to the class.

"I know you recgonise me Miku so spit it out!" he threaten her.

"I-I don't know what are you talking about," she answer.

He look at her with full of disgust. If only he can, he would just kill her on the spot and hide her corpse away.

It was not long when he started to chuckle. "Awww, c'mon. I know you wouldn't forget your 'favourite' bully when we're 7."

"W-what do you want?" she squeak a little. At that point, she was scared of the circumstances of what might happen to her.

"Oh nothing. I'm just here to meet someone...someone that had just ruin my life..." he said as he look at (y/n) table before he leave the class.

Flashback End

Third POV

She then shake her head, taking her consciousness back to reality.

She was still wondering by his words. What did he mean by 'ruin my life'. Added with that sharp look at (y/n)'s sitting place, as if (y/n) had done something but he didn't tell her about anything.

It was not long when someone had called her, which then after that her face turns pale......


Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! FINALLY, A NEW CHAPTER HAD RELEASE!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭

Gosh, how long did this book got rotten in my library???? 🤔🤔

Anyway, thank you sooooo much waiting so 'patiently' 😂😂😂

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