Chapter 7

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Your POV

"Gosh! Where is she? She should be back right now," I said, pacing side to side with a worried look plastered at my face.

It almost been a day and Miku haven't came back from the park. At first I thought she wanted to stay there for a little longer. Besides, it is impossible for her to be lost at the park as she was really familiar with it. But when it start getting dark, I start getting worried. She's never going out this late.

After I got more worried, I decided to find her but before I could reach the door, I heard the door open and close. I rushed to the door to see Miku standing. Her head facing down.

"Miku, I was worried sick about you. Are you okay?" I ask in relieved as I walk towards her. I realized she was shaking, probably feeling cold since it was in the middle of autumn but the weird thing is she doesn't have her jacket with it.

"Hey, where's your jacket?" I ask her but she only replied with a shook. I sigh in relieve as I take her to upstairs.


Dinner was awkward. To be honest, dinner never been awkward! Something was wrong with her. She look very tired. Her eyes are droopy and she look really pale.

She never look like this before. The last time she was like this is before we live together. But that's a long time ago and we after that, we both promise to tell each other about it.

"Hey Miku, are you all right?" I try to gain her attention but failed. She didn't listen to me, as if she was in her own deep thought. I try to gain her attention by shaking her hand but the next thing shocked me.

"Don't touch me!" she yell, quickly stand up from her chair and slam the table real hard. She breathe heavily, her pale face turns red, saying that she was angry.

But soon later, she start calming down. Realizing what she had done, she then gasp and quickly storm out from the dining room, leaving me confuse.

I sigh as I rub my forehead with two fingers before palming my face. Her meal still in one shape, untouched and uneaten.

She had change. She's not like the usual one. The happy and cheerful girl that I once know. She's different now. She even cut to the point that she almost died.

I sigh again, trying so hard not to cry. After a while, I stand up and clean the table.


I sit on a sofa in my living room, watching TV. But instead of watching, my attention is on a picture frame that I was holding. It was a picture of me and my mother. We were celebrating my 6th birthday. She was happy, we both happy that time. But it was not long when she hang herself in the living room.

I turn my gaze up to the ceiling, to the place where she hang herself. It was painful. Seeing her in a vulnerable state. I still remember her face. Her smile radiates like a sunshine. Shining every dark path. I then turn my gaze to where she will always sit. A single couch sat there lonely with a small table and a nightstand. She always wait for my father to arrive. Every single day she wait patiently. I don't know if she ever realize the fact that father will never come, but she will stay there until late up night. Sometimes, I caught her sleeping there until morning. It was sad but the couch also give a great memories. Every night, when I can't get to sleep, she will always sings me a lullaby song and sometimes she will always tell story until I fell asleep.

I smile at those memories before start yawning. I put the frame beside the table and standing up, strecthing my body before walking upstairs. I didn't realize until I lift up my head and see Miku standing in front of me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask her. Of course she won't answer it, why bother about it?

I sigh and smile softly, reaching my hand to her hair and slowly stroke her.

"It's okay. I won't bother about it. How about we-" Before I could talk, she quickly pulls me into her embrace.

Her embrace was soft and warm, just like my mother. Slowly I raise my both arms and pull her closer to me and smile. I breathe her scent. Her scent was like my mother, calm and sweet.

Miku's POV

"Hey, are you alright?" he ask me. My mouth was tightly shut when hearing his calm voice. Why he have to so nice to me? He let me to live here, feed me and most importantly, he let me use his mother's bedroom.

Seeing him staring at the ceiling makes my heart ache. Every single item he look reminds him of his mother.

He then slowly and softly stroke my hair. I flinch a little but luckily he doesn't realize it. His touch makes my heart hurts more. Why does he have to be so nice to me? I've done nothing but hurting him more.I shouldn't deserve his kindness.

His hand was warm, and it hurts, so bad to the point I want to dissappear from his sight and forget about him. Looking his face hurts me. His soft and warm smile, his gentle eyes watching me kindly, his kind touch...everything hurts me.

"It's okay. I won't bother about it. How about we-" Before he could continue his words, I quickly embrace him. I can't take it anymore. Its too hurt for me to handle it.

I can feel him pulling me closer towards him. I can hear his soft breathe, smelling the scent from me.

"You smell like my mother," he whisper.

I didn't realize my tears was falling until I started to sob and hug him tighter.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't do that to you. I shouldn't mad at you. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry (y/n)."

"Hey, hey. Hang in there. I forgive you, okay? Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. How about we go to sleep now, okay?" he whisper, stroking my hair.

Still sobbing, I slowly release him and look down. Still feeling guilty.


Your POV

I decided to sleep at Miku's room, which it was my late mother's room.

We both lying silently, looking at the ceiling quietly as she cuddle with me.

I catch a glimpse at her feature. Her sleeping face looks calm as ever. Some of her hair covered her face but I can still see her face. Her tears had dried out.

I sigh before looking back at the ceiling. Remembering the first time we've met makes me smile. Her features, her bubbly attitude, her signature smile. Seeing her everyday makes my heart flutter.

Soon after that, I cuddle with her and drift off to a dreamless sleep.


Wooooo, what a cute fluff I added there. Probably not the best one since I'm not really good at doing fluff. Besides, I try to keep it PG 😂😂

And yay! Another chapter publish! Seriously I really wanna cry now cuz...why it shouldn't be happening to me???? 😭😭
I also want to cuddle with someone I love too. I'm really jealous with my story now 😑😑

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment this story!! 😁😁

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