Chapter 1

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I love making my short smut stories but I wanted to also make some that are able to be longer and free to go on and on ;) hope you guys like it! This might be pretty adorable heads up haha.

Tweek POV :

Its coming up, the day of the draw. It was implemented to stop over population, and keep people under control.

My body twitches and I shake nervously sitting with my friends at our table. Token makes jokes about it, but I can't pay attention. All I know is I'm about to be paired for life with someone I may not even know.

"Calm down Tweakers..." His voice pulls me back to reality and forces me to deal with what's going on.

" AGH! B-but!..."

He nods "there's nothing you can do about it Tweak, just try not to think about it.."


Token grins and sighed " anyway guys, I'm having a party to celebrate our last weekend of freedom at my place this Friday, so you all better be there. That means you too Tweak"

I shake and scream an AGH!

Craig pats my head lightly, calming me down.

I always liked him, he was the only one who could calm me down ever.

But there was something else about him, the way he made my stomach fill with butterflies when he smirked at me. His steal grey eyes, the way he he held me when I panicked.

I shook off my feelings, it wasn't right....I shouldn't think this way...Craig was my friend, I needed to stop..and soon it wouldn't matter.

Its not like we have a choice who we get.

Even if we did, I know he wouldn't choose a spaz like me...

Under the table I feel a foot accidentally hit mine and move away, Clyde jumps across from me and yawns pretending it didn't happen.

I twiddle with my fingers as Craig talked " What times the party at?"

" starts at 8, my parents will be out of town so we got the place for a while "

They nod and Clyde grins "sounds fun dude"

Friday the party....then Monday....

Monday ill know who I'm gonna be with for the rest of my life, whether I like it or not.

Craig POV:

He's pretty scared, I can see it all over him. I've been keeping my distance from him, just being there when he needs to calm down.
But I can't help but want to take care of him...
As a friend, I mean..

I'm not like that.


He looks at me and its adorable, twitching nervously and pulling at his hair " calm down Tweakers its gonna be fine...I'll be at the party too"

Clyde grinned " exactly, we'll all be there"

He nods and pokes at his food, none of us can really eat much.

The bell rings and Tweak screams loudly "AGH!!! They'll get me!"

I grin, he's so cute.

" come on Tweak let's go"

Short first chapter to kick it all off, I'm pretty excited for this :) so glad I can upload again! I couldn't cause of the update recently -.-

The Pairing ( TweakxCraig) /Kenny, ClydeWhere stories live. Discover now