Chapter 13

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Eun Byul's view

We made it on time for dinner. I followed close behind Jihoon to his dorm. He knocked the door and just proceed on opening the door though no one was responding to his knock. How can nobody answer while there are actually 13 people living inside? I was almost as tall as my brother so I could still see the members even though I stood right behind him. I gazed the room. Seeing just 2 in the living room watching television while the others possibly be in their rooms, washroom or the kitchen.

A dark brown haired guy realized we came in. "Oh Woozi? I'm sorry I just dozed off. Welcome." He greeted sleepily.

He was a bit surprised by our entrance. I was a bit offended that we weren't greeted joyfully inside. It was kind of quiet too. The other guy also dark brown hair still sleeping on the couch not realizing we entered and had a conversation.

"Oh! I'll tell the others your guest arrive." he said and ran off to the kitchen I think.

Jihoon nodded. "Okay, Vernon."

Okay! His name is Vernon. Do I have to remember anyway? Will I be seeing them often? I have already met one. Nice face and he doesn't look korean to me but his korean is fluent.

Jihoon chuckled awkwardly and faced to me. "They never been this quiet before. Maybe they are exhausted."

"Did you force them to prepare the dinner? They don't look happy." I guessed from the quiet surrounding.

My brother could be the type to boss people around maybe and they got mad. Maybe. Just my guess.

Jihoon was surprised by my question. "No. They actually are willing to help me. All of us are like brothers. The person who doesn't look happy now could possibly be Jisoo."

I was puzzled by his last sentence. "Yeah...My friend Jisoo too."

"I don't know what's wrong with both of them Jisoo." he answered.

One by one of the members came out of their rooms and the kitchen. Both Jihoon and I were still standing at the same spot waiting for one of them to speak. They all are good-looking and taller than my brother. All the 10 of them stood in front of us in the living room. Not to mention, standing in straight line. I guess they were used to this idol thing when they have to introduce themselves to their fans on stage. Why are they just 10? Where are the other two?

"This is my-" Jihoon was cut off by a guy with darkest skin compare to the others. "Girlfriend!" he said smiling ear to ear but he's wrong.

"Sister." Jihoon continued his words.

Everyone was all puzzled by his statement as well as shock. "Sister?!"

They are as puzzle as I am when I just knew I had a real mother and a brother.

"What? I thought you are just a single child?" one of them asked with a confused look.

"Don't want to make it sound dramatic but she's my long lost sister that I just happened to meet like a month ago." Jihoon answered holding his laughter.

Everyone else already burst laughing. "Seriously? I bet the story is much more dramatic."

All of them greeted me and introduced themselves. Their introduction took forever but I still try remembering their face and names. The youngest one is Chan and the oldest is Seongcheol, also known as something Coups. The tan skinned one is Mingyu and... I got nothing. I don't remember the rest. I remember Seungkwan, the one who talks non-stop.

"There are two more people missing. Jisoo and Jeonghan. They'll come later I hope so." Mingyu told me.

I just nodded despite already knowing it from my brother.

The youngest member led me to the dining room, I could already smell the delicious scent of grilled meat when I was in the living room. The scent of grilled meat keeps getting stronger and stronger. My legs felt like it was walking on its own. I wonder how can guys cook better than me?

The tan skinned member, I think his name is Mingyu pull a dining chair for me to sit. I thanked him and sit down. Everyone seemed to also settled down on the dining chair. The dining chairs weren't enough for the twelve of us so this guy who I believe his name is Jun, added some other chairs from the living room. I guess they didn't plan the sitting before I came.

"I really want to know how come you happen to have a sister. I've met you long ago and I didn't know anything about this." Seongcheol the oldest member questioned, he sounded friendly.

"I didn't know I have a sister." my brother answered and I continued. "I didn't know I have a brother."

"Wait. Is this the soap opera thing?  I bet you both were shock to know each other as siblings like in the drama." Vernon laughed.

Jihoon laughed too. "I knew you guys would laugh."

"We can start our dinner slowly while waiting for the two of them." Seokmin reminded us.

As we ate dinner, I chatted with them all and laughed at their hilarious stories.

Jisoo's view

I have been walking silently for hours now and I feel like I was torturing Jeonghan as well. What kind of friend am I? Do I have to go back dorm now?
Why did I change in the first place? Is Eun Byul the cause of this? I couldn't blame her, it's probably my fault. I lied to her. I couldn't imagine what will happen if I tell her the truth. Does it matter to her that I'm an idol? Will she avoid me? Why am I asking so many questions to my self?

Something came into my mind. If I lived a normal live in the first place, things will not get complicated like now.

"What am I thinking?" I asked my self.

"Hmm?" Jeonghan responded.

He thought I was asking him. He walked faster to my side.

"I think we should go. Jihoon could be disappointed." Jeonghan said.

Jeonghan helped out the members too and he was looking forward for the dinner. But he is stuck baby sitting me. He does not deserve this. I decided to go back.

Jeonghan entered first as well as greeting loudly "We're home guys!"

As I enter, I saw a women's shoe right on the wooden shoe rack. The guest is a women. The shoe does look familiar, I bet the shoe is kind of a popular fashion these days.

We both walked to the dining room and it turns out that the guest Jihoon was talking about is someone I'm close to.

To be continued...

Sorry.... sorry... sorry! I couldn't update fast. I'm busy these days and It's really hard to decide which one is the best for my free times. Like should I read books to improve my writing or should I write my college notes? or should I update my wattpad? It's really hard to decide. My house is flooded right now. I kind of feel sad that I couldn't go anywhere even not to college and my tuition class.

I'm gonna miss so many lessons T T

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