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"I just hope hoseok got him good..."


"Because, at the beginning of the year, I heard that changkyun dude talking to his friend about being pansexual. You know what that means right? He likes dudes..."

Next day_

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Next day_

Yoongi walked through the classroom door first, in order to protect changkyun from any possible harm.
Changkyun held tightly onto yoongi's sleeve as they walked into the classroom. The classes whispered errupted once again.

"He's the gay one?"

"No wonder he got beat up."

"He deserved it."

Changkyun bit his lips and sat down in his seat, yoongi following behind him. He laid his head down.

Across the room, lee youngwoo stood, staring at the group of desks pushed together.

"Could i..."

He paused, pushing  his classes up the brim of his nose.

"Sit here?"

As jaebum began to speak,  hoseok interrupted.

"Sure. I want to sit by my other friend anyways."

He smiled before walking to the other side of the room and sitting next to changkyun. He rubbed his back, causing changkyun to jump.

"You alright? Don't listen to them...they just don't understand the true beauty of it."

Changkyun raised his head to look at hoseok.

"Why are you sticking around?"


Hoseok stared at the saddened boy.

"Everyone always leaves. Why havent you?"

Before hoseok could answer, the teacher walked in. She began to explain that there has been an accident outside of school. They didn't know who it was targeted to, but outside the school written in green ink read "I promise, he can't protect you all the time." And blood smeared on the sidewalk. She said if we knew anything to come out and say something,because they could help them;but changkyun knew otherwise. They couldn't help him. Not anymore. He had betrayed them, and he was never going to be forgiven. Not until he was dead.  Green was a secret code for them. Green was the color of the jjangou  gang.

Hoseok must have noticed the make next to him breathing rapidly because he turned to changkyun with fear in his eyes.

"Are they  talking about you?"

Changkyun didn't want him to worry. He wouldn't want hoseok to get himself in trouble.

"No. I just...."

"boyfriend" •wonho(hoseok) x I.M(changkyun)Where stories live. Discover now