Chapter 12

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"Kick him, Josie." Donna corrected as Josie and Smokey ran around the barrels. "Come on, boy." Josie whispered. They finished with a clear round. "Good job, Josie. You just have to learn to keep control of him." Donna instructed. Josie nodded then went back to the line. "Alright, good job today girls. We only have a few more days to get perfect. The competition is this Saturday at 9:00am." Donna explained. It had already been two weeks and they only had a few more days to practice. Melanie and Mya hadn't talked since their fight which didn't bother Melanie at all. But, Melanie and her mom didn't have the same connection like they use to. That fight made them have a tough mother-daughter relationship. They obviously didn't hate each other, they were just mad at one another. Melanie got off Maggie and gave her a big pat. "Hey,  Josie. Great job!" Melanie said as Josie walked by with Smokey. "Thanks." Josie replied with a smile. "You did great today as well." Josie said. Melanie put on a weak smile then led Maggie back to the barn. "Good girl, Maggie." Melanie whispered as she untacked her. Melanie sighed at the thought of another competition. She just wished her mom would understand. Melanie led Maggie back to her stall and Josie followed. "Do you know a time I could come over?" Josie asked as Melanie took Maggie's halter off. "I can go ask my mom right now." Melanie said with a smile. Josie smiled then followed Melanie out to her mom. "Mom, do you know a time Josie could come over?" Melanie asked. "Well, if her mom says it's okay she could come over today or tomorrow. We aren't busy today and we won't be busy tomorrow." Agetha replied. "I will call my mom and ask her." Josie said. Melanie and Agetha nodded and waited for Josie's mom to answer. 

.................................Phone call.............. 

Josie's mom: Hello? 

Josie: Hi mom, I was wondering if I could go over to Melanie's house for a little bit? If not today they also said they're free tomorrow. 

Josie's mom: You can go over today, sweetie. I will pick you up around 5:00 alright? 

Josie: Okay, mom. Thank you. 

Josie's mom: You're welcome, honey. Have fun. 

Josie: I will. I love you. 

Josie's mom: I love you too, sweetie. 

.............................................End of phone call..........

 "I can come over today, she said she can pick me up around 5:00." Josie said with a smile. "Alright." Agetha said. Melanie smiled back at Josie then they both got into the car. "We have other horses, Josie." Melanie said as she tried to start a conversation. "Cool, what are their names?" Josie asked. "Red, Star, Pete and Sun. Then we have Maggie of coarse but she isn't there right now obviously." Melanie replied with a smile. "I can't wait to meet them." Josie said and smiled back at Melanie. They arrived to Melanie's house and Melanie and Josie were really excited. "Follow me and I will show you the horses." Melanie said. "Okay." Josie replied. They walked over to the barn and greeted the horses. "They're beautiful." Josie said as she stroked Red's neck. "I know. They are good at barrel racing too but sadly, none of them have jumped." Melanie said. "I hope you will reach your dream someday Melanie." Josie said with a smile. "Me too." Melanie replied. After greeting the horses, the girls went back inside for dinner. "What's for dinner, mom?" Melanie asks as they walk through the door. "We are having pizza!" Agetha replied in excitement. "Perfect! Josie, you want to watch a horse movie together?" Melanie asked. "Sure! What horse movies do you have?" Josie asked. "I will show you, but let's get our food first." Melanie said. "Okay." Josie said through her giggle. They grabbed their pizza and then went upstairs to Melanie's room. Melanie picked out some horse movies and showed them to Josie. "These are some of my favorites. I have Flicka, Moondance Alexander, Second Chances and Spirit." Melanie said. "What is Moondance Alexander about?" Josie asked. Melanie smiled. "It is about a girl named Moondance Alexander who lost her father and gets bullied. One day she encounters a pinto and she brings him home. Her mother makes her find the horse's owner. So, they find the owner and eventually Moondance starts working with the owner. Soon, she grows a bond with the horse and she wants to learn how to jump." Melanie explained briefly. "I want to watch that!" Josie said with excitement. Melanie smiled then put the movie into the DVD player. Sparky came into the room and laid by Melanie. "Your dog is adorable." Josie said. "Thanks. His name is Sparky." Melanie said. Josie smiled then started petting Sparky. The movie was over and the girls got so comfortable that they fell asleep. They fell asleep on each others shoulder and Sparky slept in Melanie's lap. A few moments later, Agetha walked in. "Melanie, Josie's mom is here." Agetha said. Melanie and Josie quickly woke up. "What time is it?" Melanie asked. "It is 4:45." Agetha said. Josie stood up and yawned. "Thank you guys so much for letting me come over. I had so much fun! I hope I can come over again soon." Josie said. "Of coarse. It was fun having you over. If you ever want to come over again just let us know." Agetha said. Josie nodded then followed Melanie downstairs. Josie's mom honked the car horn. Josie stopped by the door and gave Melanie a hug. "Thanks so much Melanie. I had so much fun." Josie said. "Your welcome. I wish you could spend the night." Melanie said. "Me too. Maybe the day before the competition I can spend the night and we go together." Josie suggested. "Alright, I will keep that in mind." Melanie said. Josie gave Melanie one more hug. "Love you Melanie. I hope you become a famous show jumper some day. I know you can do it if you believe in yourself." Josie whispered. Melanie smiled. "Love you too, Josie." Melanie said. Josie walked out the door and hopped in her car. Melanie waved to Josie as they left the drive way. "She was really nice, Melanie." Agetha said from behind Melanie. "I told you." Melanie said. Melanie went back upstairs and fell back asleep with Sparky on the foot of her bed. 

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