Chapter 20

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                          The next morning, it was time for Melanie's second lesson. Melanie was excited and couldn't wait to see what she learns. She quickly got dressed then brushed her hair and teeth and grabbed some toast with butter. "Mom, I am going to the library." Melanie lied. "No, you're not. You're grounded from yesterday." Agetha said. "But mom. Please??" Melanie begged. "What is so important about the library that you have not already seen?" Agetha asked. "There are some really amazing books that I am interested in." Melanie said. Agetha sighed. "Alright. Not for long." Agetha said. "Okay, thanks mom." Melanie said then went out the door to her favorite place on planet Earth, Green Wood Academy. Melanie finally arrived at the barn and went to greet Max. "Hey boy. How are you doing?" Melanie asked. Max nickered. Lisa walked up to them. "Hi Melanie, are you ready for your second lesson?" Lisa asked. "I sure am! I am so excited!" Melanie replied in excitement. Lisa smiled. Melanie walked to go get Champ but Lisa stopped her. "You're going to ride a different horse today." Lisa said with a smile. "Who?" Melanie asked. Lisa pointed towards Max. Melanie gasped with excitement. "Really?" Melanie asked in shock. "Of coarse. When I watched you exercise him, I knew you two had a bond so why keep you away from him? You should ride him in your lessons and that way he will get even more exercise." Lisa explained. Melanie gave Lisa a hug. "Thank you." Melanie said softly. Melanie put Max's halter on then led him to the cross ties. She quickly groomed and tacked him up. "Are you ready boy?" Melanie asked. Max nickered and nuzzled Melanie's shoulder. Melanie giggled. Melanie led Max to the indoor arena and mounted up. "Alright, start by warming him up." Lisa instructed. Melanie squeezed Max into a walk. "Good boy." Melanie whispered. After a few minutes, Melanie put Max into a trot. "Very nice, Melanie." Lisa said. Melanie smiled. "So, one of the things we are going to work on today is posting. Posting is when you go up and down while trotting. You will come up as the Max's leg closest to the wall goes forward." Lisa explained. Melanie nodded as she listened to Lisa. "Go ahead and try." Lisa instructed. Melanie nodded then tried posting. Melanie was posting but she wasn't on the right diagonal but Lisa knew it would take time. "Good." Lisa said. Melanie smiled then gave Max a pat. As they were continuing the lesson, a voice came from outside the arena. "Melanie?! What are you doing here?!" Agetha asked in anger. Melanie slowed Max down and got very nervous. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to her mom. "Are Melanie's mother?" Lisa asked. "Yes, I am and my daughter should not be on that horse." Agetha replied. "Mom, I can explain." Melanie said. "Really? Then explain now." Agetha said. Melanie sighed then dismounted Max. "It's a long story. At my last competition I ran into Lisa and she told me all about how she teaches jumping and I was interested. So, wen I got home I contacted her and now I do lessons every Sunday. Then I work here Monday's and Friday's. Please let me do this mom. I love it here and I want to learn how to jump more than anything in this world." Melanie briefly explained. "Melanie, I told you no. No means no. Let's go home now. We have a lot to talk about young lady." Agetha snapped. Melanie sighed then handed Max over to Lisa. "I'm sorry." Melanie whispered to Lisa. Melanie gave Lisa a hug then gave Max a kiss. "Bye Melanie. We'll miss you." Lisa said. Melanie sighed then walked out of the barn with her mom. They got in the car and Agetha put the car in drive. "You are officially grounded for even longer now. I can't believe you disobeyed me. I am very disappointed in you." Agetha said. Melanie started crying. "I am sorry mom. I just wanted to try jumping and I really enjoy it. Why can't I be different? Why can't you be proud of the girl I am? Why do I have to be like you? Why can't I be myself?" Melanie continued asking so many heartbreaking questions through her tears. Agetha didn't know how to answer those questions. When they arrived home, Melanie ran upstairs to her room and bawled her eyes out. She felt like her mother wasn't proud of her. First, she almost loses Maggie and then now her mother is mad at her. Melanie didn't know what to do. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. It was Agetha. "Honey, can I come in?" Agetha asked softly. Melanie didn't reply but Agetha walked in anyway. Agetha sat on the edge of Melanie's bed. "Melanie...I am proud of you darling. I am sorry you felt that I wasn't. If you want to start jumping, then I will let you." Agetha said. "Really?" Melanie asked through her tears. Agetha nodded. "I need to realize that you're a different person. No one is the same and if you don't like barrel racing then that's okay." Agetha said. Melanie put on a weak smile. "I love you honey." Agetha said softly. Melanie gave her a hug. "I love you too." Melanie replied. "So, can I quit barrel racing and the team? I don't want to do it anymore." Melanie asked. "Yes, honey. Tomorrow, we will pick Maggie up." Agetha said. "Is Maggie doing okay?" Melanie asked. "Donna said that she finally stood up last night." Agetha replied with a smile. Melanie smiled. "I am glad she is okay." Melanie said softly. "Me too. It's truly a miracle. The vet said it's rare for horses to survive what Maggie went through. The vet really thought Maggie wasn't going to make it." Agetha explained. "Wow, there must have been a guardian angel." Melanie said. "I wouldn't be surprised." Agetha said with a smile. Melanie smiled back and gave Agetha another hug. 

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