Chapter 13

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 Summer was going by fast. Melanie just wished she could have spent it jumping. It was three days before the competition and everything was getting crazy. Agetha dropped Melanie off at the barn and she went inside to greet her horse and Josie. "Hey Melanie." Josie said leading Smokey. "Hey Josie, where are you taking Smokey?" Melanie asked. Josie sighed. "My father lost his job and we don't have the money to continue coming here. So, I am just packing everything and I am loading Smokey into the trailer." Josie explained with tears slowly strolling down her face. "You can't leave Josie. I hate it here but you were the only friend I had and I got excited to come. If you leave, I won't have any friends here and it's already bad enough that I don't want to be here." Melanie said. "We are best friends Melanie. We can still hang out." Josie said. "I know but it won't be the same if you aren't here." Melanie said. "I am sorry, Melanie." Josie said through her tears. Melanie hugged Josie. "It's okay, Josie. It's not your fault." Melanie whispered. Melanie started crying along with Josie. "Maybe, next weekend I can come over and spend the night." Josie said. "Alright, I will ask my mom." Melanie said. "Love you Melanie, I will see you later." Josie said and led her horse to the trailer. Melanie sighed then went into the barn to go see her horse. "Hey Maggie." Melanie whispered. Maggie walked over to Melanie with her ears pricked up. Melanie went inside her stall and gave her a hug. "I love you, Maggie. It has been a tough few weeks but we are pulling through." Melanie said through her tears. Sabrina walked passed Melanie then stopped and turned. "Awe, why is Melanie so sad?" Sabrina asked sarcastically. "Oh wait! Don't answer that question! Your best friend left you in the dust!" Sabrina said through her laugh. Melanie walked out of Maggie's stall and started shouting at Sabrina. "Sabrina! Leave me alone! You don't know why Josie left so stop thinking she left me in left because of it!" Melanie snapped. "Oh, then why did Josie leave?" Sabrina asked sarcastically. "That's not your business!" Melanie snapped again. "Well, now that Josie is gone. You have no one to encourage you! Except maybe your mommy!" Sabrina snapped back at Melanie. Melanie got so mad at Sabrina that she pushed her onto the ground into a pile of manure. "Girls! What is going on?!" Donna yelled. "Melanie pushed me!" Sabrina said angrily. "Girls, come with me!" Donna said. Melanie and Sabrina followed Donna angrily. Donna took them into her office and talked to them. "So, explain to me what just happened." Donna said calmly. Melanie and Sabrina looked at each other angrily then looked back at Donna. "Melanie pushed me into manure!" Sabrina snapped. "But why? Melanie, tell me your side of the story." Donna said. Melanie sighed. "Sabrina walked up to me and started picking on me. She kept saying that Josie left just to leave me in the dust then it got to the point where I couldn't control my anger and I pushed her." Melanie explained softly. "The reason why Josie left is none of your business. You girls don't have the right to talk about things you know nothing about." Donna said. "Josie told me why she had to leave so that is why I got so mad at Sabrina." Melanie said. "Then why did she leave?!" Sabrina asked sarcastically. Donna gave her a death stare then continued. "What happened with Josie is none of your business." Donna said. "I know, Donna. Josie told me the reason and when Sabrina started saying that false stuff, I got upset." Melanie said softly. "I understand that Melanie, but that gives you no reason to push someone." Donna said calmly. Sabrina smirked. "You girls can go get your horses tacked up, but Melanie stay for one more minute." Donna said. Sabrina quickly left the office and went to go tack up your horse. "Has Sabrina been causing a lot of problems?" Donna asked. Melanie nodded. "She has been mean to me since the first day I got here." Melanie said. "I never knew that. If you would have told me, I would have taken care of it." Donna said. "I know, I just got nervous to tell you." Melanie said softly. "Well, the best thing to do right now is to ignore her." Donna said. Melanie nodded. "You can go get Maggie ready now." Donna said. Melanie got up and went to go get Maggie ready. "Come on, girly." Melanie said quietly. Melanie felt really awkward after pushing Sabrina. Melanie led Maggie to the cross ties and started grooming her. "I wish my mom would let me quit barrel racing." Melanie whispered as she put Maggie's saddle on. Maggie nickered softly. Melanie finally got Maggie tacked up then led her to the arena. Melanie mounted onto Maggie and got into the line. "Alright, girls. The next competition is this Saturday. So, we have really got to focus these last few days." Donna said. The girls nodded. "Today, you are all going to do a run without me telling you what to do. You will be on your own today. Then tomorrow we are just going to get our things together for the competition on Saturday." Donna explained. "Sabrina, you go first." Donna instructed. Sabrina kicked Cowboy and off they went. "Faster you dumb horse!" Sabrina shouted. They came around the final barrel with a flawless round. "Great Sabrina but you need to work on that attitude of yours." Donna said. "Whatever." Sabrina said. Melanie sighed as she got ready for her round. "Alright, Melanie. You ready?" Donna asked. Melanie nodded then squeezed Maggie. "Come on, girly." Melanie said softly as they came around the first barrel. Donna smiled as Melanie came around the final barrel. "Melanie, I have said this one I will say it again. You are born to barrel race." Donna said. Melanie put on a weak smile then went back to the line. Melanie gave Maggie a big pat then sighed. 

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