Chapter 17

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                       The next morning, Melanie woke up with a sore throat and her stomach hurt a lot. Agetha walked upstairs to tell Melanie to come downstairs. "Come on, Melanie. It's time to go." Agetha said. "Mom, I don't feel good. Can I please stay home?" Melanie said softly. "What's wrong, honey?" Agetha asked. "My throat and stomach hurt." Melanie replied. Agetha felt Melanie's forehead. "You have a little fever." Agetha said softly. "So, can I stay home?" Melanie asked. "Yes, I will check on your later." Agetha said. Melanie nodded. Melanie started thinking about Maggie. She missed her horse a lot. After an hour of resting, Melanie went downstairs. Agetha was watching a game show. "Hi mom." Melanie said softly. "Hey Melanie. Are you feeling better?" Agetha asked. "A little." Melanie replied. Melanie sat down next to her mom. "I miss Maggie." Melanie said. "You will see her tomorrow." Agetha said. Melanie sighed. Agetha got up to make breakfast. "What do you want for breakfast, Melanie?" Agetha asked. "Um..pancakes?" Melanie replied. "Alright." Agetha said. Melanie grabbed her phone and saw that Josie had texted her. 


Josie: Hi, Melanie.  I just wanted to know how the jumping lesson went? 

Melanie: Hey, Josie. The lesson was fantastic! I rode a bay gelding named Champ! He is so sweet! 

Josie: That is so cool! So, did you actually get to jump? 

Melanie: Well, I trotted over a cross rail but it was so much fun! 

Josie: Wow! I am so proud of you Melanie. I can't wait till you start jumping big! 

Melanie: Me either. Talk to you later Josie.

Josie: Talk to you later. 


"Who are you texting?" Agetha asked. "I am texting Josie." Melanie replied. "What are you talking about?" Agetha asked. "We are talking about horses." Melanie answered. I mean that's technically what they're talking about. "Alright, well your breakfast is ready." Agetha said. "Okay." Melanie said. Melanie got up then went to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. "So, do you think you will be better to go back to the barn tomorrow?" Agetha asked. "I don't know. We'll see." Melanie said. Melanie started eating her pancakes. "Did you get any books from the library yesterday?" Agetha asked. Melanie stopped for a moment and thought on what to say. "No, I just looked at them." Melanie lied. "Well, did you find anything interesting because you were gone for almost 2 hours." Agetha said. "No but I just spent time looking. I was looking for horse books." Melanie lied. "Alright." Agetha said. Melanie sighed then finished her breakfast. After breakfast, Melanie went outside to go see the other horses. "Hey guys." Melanie said as she walked into the barn. The horses pricked their ears up and watched her come in. Melanie decided to take Red out for a ride. "Come on boy, let's go on a little ride." Melanie said softly. Melanie put Red on the cross ties then started grooming him. Red wasn't acting like himself. "Red, are you alright?" Melanie asked softly. Red nickered. "You miss Maggie, don't you?" Melanie asked. Red nickered again and nodded his head just a little bit. "She will be back soon. I am on a riding team now where we barrel race and it lasts all summer so, Maggie will be up there until summer is over, sadly." Melanie explained to Red. Melanie finished grooming Red then got him tacked up. "Come on, boy." Melanie whispered. Melanie led Red out to the arena. She was just going to do flatwork. Melanie of coarse didn't want to do barrels. Melanie mounted on Red then started warming up. Agetha came out and stopped by the arena. "Melanie, you should go around the barrels. I want to see what you have learned from the barn." Agetha said. Melanie sighed. "Mom, I am just doing flatwork today. I don't want to do the barrels." Melanie said. "Just once." Agetha said. Melanie sighed then squeezed Red into a gallop. They went around the first two barrels perfectly but when they came around the final barrel, Melanie's foot ran into it and knocked it down. Melanie slowed Red down. "Good boy." Melanie whispered. "Try again." Agetha instructed. "No, mom." Melanie snapped. Melanie dismounted Red and headed to the barn. "I am done riding for today." Melanie snapped again. Melanie untacked Red then put him back in his stall. "Honey, I just wanted you to do it one more time." Agetha said walking into the barn. "I know but I just wanted to ride for fun today. I didn't want to do the barrels today." Melanie said. "Okay, well it would have been good to get some extra practice in." Agetha said then went back inside the house. Melanie sighed then went back to the house as well. Melanie grabbed her phone then went back up to her room. Sparky followed. Melanie laid down and just thought about jumping. Sparky licked Melanie's face because he could tell that she was down. Melanie giggled then petted Sparky. "I love you Sparky." Melanie said through her giggle. Sparky laid right next to Melanie and they both went to sleep. Melanie didn't eat lunch or dinner. 

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