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why do i always feel like im the extra one in my friend group? why do i always feel like my friends dont actually want me around them. i try so hard to be a good person. i try so fucking hard to fit in but i just cant. they always talk to each other but no one ever talks to me. the only time that they do is when they need help with something, but even then im a last resort. i feel so fucking sad and worthless. my supposed best friend hardly ever talks to me, and if i try texting her she will either reply a few days later or not at all. but i hear about how she texts her new best friend all of the time. what did i do to deserve this? at lunch at school when we are sitting in the hallway im always in between the two groups. my "best friend" and her friends (who are also my friends but never talk to me) and my friend group that ive been in for two years. also when ever i ask them questions i feel like im bugging them and that i should just shut up and stop talking. god damn it this isn't making any sense. i just want to feel like people actually care about me, you know?

im sorry if this is really confusing, i just need to get this out, and obviously i cant talk to anyone because they wouldn't listen anyways.

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