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haha fucks its me again

i am in like mental pain and im emotionally numb and feel like someone punched a hole in my chest but its cool cool is all good

a yum thing tho is that i got four new blades yayyayay. i accidentally cut my hand tho bc i was testing to see how sharp the blade was. is pretty sharp and im happy

also im pretty sure ive been having migraines for a while, but no ones ever told me what they feel like so im just like "yep this is a rlly bad headache and do you mind turning the lights and sound off so i can sort of function without too much pain? thanksssSs"

same thing with anxiety attacks. like idk if im just overreacting when i say that i feel like im about to burst out crying and am shaking and feel more anxious and scared then ive ever felt before, or if that was an anxiety attack or what

aha i rlly dont like when i text someone and they dont respond for like an hour or leave me on read. i also dont like the fact that none of my "friends" care about me or want to talk to me. ill try and talk to them during classes but they'll either say one word to me then keep talking to each other or just not say anything to me

holy fucking shit i miss my blade a lot. its been just over a month and the urges just keep getting stronger and i cant do this for much longer. fuck im fucking addicted to cutting.

my head keeps getting louder. like before flicker was just mostly in the background but now they're a lot louder and talk and criticize everything i do and say even more. so thats fun

wow so much writing that no one wants to read

woahhHhhhHH i just got a rush of anxiety and idk where it came from ahahahhHhHh

anyways im going to shut up and stop talking bc im an annoying piece of shit

- flicker

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