its me

7 0 2

hey again. im updating a lot now lol. three things in the past two days

ive been feeling a lot better since i cut. although i did fuck things up during lunch today and felt like shit, but it'll be ok

ive felt better, my head hasnt been as loud, i havent been as anxious, idk it just helped. theres only two negative sides to me cutting tho. how upset i made my girlfriend and becoming more addicted.

i cut once after a month and its just stayed in the back of my mind. its basically just taunting me like "hey dont you remember how much you love this? the pain? the blood? dont you remember how good it felt? how bout you do it again?" and idk. basically what im saying is yeet im even more addicted and want it even more

i know that cutting just gives a temporary sense of relief, but i love it. its better then feeling numb all the time

fun funnnNn

im gonna try and not spam this with my useless talk so ill go and maybe be back in a month or so

- flicker

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