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hello. so im pretty sure im gender fluid? im still honestly so confused. like sometimes i'll feel really masculine and other times feminine. sometimes both and others neither. so yeah im pretty sure thats gender fluid lol. im still confused. but now that i'm thinking, ive been like this since i was young. when i was little i always wanted to do that same things that my brother and my guy friend would do. i wanted to be able to walk around with my shirt off, i always wanted to play games with them. i wanted to be one of them. but like i just thought i was like this cuz i wasnt a girly girl and was a tom boy. but then there were times when i felt really girly and wanted to go paint my nails and ahit. lol idek anymore. but yeah im pretty sure that i am gender fluid. im still trying to figure this out oof

also i told my girlfriend this and she was actually so supportive of me. i love her so much. i dont deserve someone as amazing and perfect as her.

- flicker

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