Phone Calls

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"Hi, Damilola" Isabelle says into the call.

Damilola doesn't speak for sometime and Isabelle is so sure that she is trying to process something.

"I thought you lost my number, like you threatened to" She said, her voice didn't come out as harsh as Isabelle knew she wanted to.

"I didn't lose your number like I thought I would"

Again, Damilola is silent. Isabelle imagines her searching for the next harsh thing to say, before dropping the call on her. She expects it. But then it would take another boost of courage to call another person. Damilola was the closest thing to hope.

"Mercy and I, we don't speak anymore if that's what you want to know" Her voice comes out softer.

Isabelle sighs.
"I didn't call you to talk about Mercy. I called you for something else"

Damilola waits for her to talk

"I need your help" She announces. "I was, um , wondering if I could spend sometime in your house. For just like a week, nothing more than a week. As we speak, I am making other plans to stay somewhere else but I just want to stay at your for one week and then I'm gone" She says a bit too fast, like the words were too hot for her to contain. The lies. There is definitely not a plan B

The other end of the line is silent.

"Dami, are you still there?"


Way to go, madam. There is no way she's going to let you stay with her.

"Okay, I was just saying-"

"I hope you know I don't live alone, Isabelle"

It is not going to work, Isabelle.

"Yes, yes of course I understand. If you parents aren't happy with the arrangement then-

"I'll talk to them" Damilola cuts in. "I'll let you know when I've spoken to them about it"

Isabelle heaves a sigh, of anticipated relief.

"Remember I'm not staying for long. If you can't accommodate me it's not a problem"

"I understand. By tomorrow I should know"

Tomorrow was mid week service. Damilola's family seldom attended TLC because her father was in another church. So they only attended mid week services with their mother.

Today is Wednesday. Isabelle could feel the end of the week drawing closer. By Saturday, she should be out of the house. If Damilola's family refuses, then she might be homeless.

She had been having dreams. Last night it was a wailing child in her arms and she didn't know what exactly to do. Now, she rubbed her face and sat back down. Her bed was the only thing left.

The more important things were in her suitcase, ready to leave. What hurt her more is that no one had come to check on her. Patricia often tries to sneak in and see her. Ever since that fight with Nadine, they don't talk anymore. None of them felt very forgiving to each other now.


Dear Diary,
My world has fallen apart . Isn't it funny, a few months ago, I thought that nothing would ever come between my family and I. I started the year off so peacefully and I didn't know that it would come to this.

I had to set my pride aside and call Damilola. She was the only option I had left, if I knew that I still wanted a roof over my head. I still am glad that I haven't been thrown out yet, although no one talks to me anymore, but I prefer the silent treatment to being homeless.

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