Chapter 27 - Jamies Journal

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"You know people love when we film together" I said to Jc as I watched him roll his blunt.

"They really do. We need to do more" he said back to me. Currently, I'm at his place just hanging out. Madison was suppose to come, but she got stuck at the studio. And Kian lives here, but he is out at the moment so it's just Jc and I.

Justin was busy earlier so I came here because I was bored. I'm assuming Justin is still busy because I haven't gotten a phone call or text.

"Is Kian going to be home soon? Maybe we can talk ideas" I suggested and he shrugged.

"Honestly I have no idea" he answered me. "So how have things been? Justin going on tour soon? Any albums?" He asked me. I started to smile a bit as I nodded. I do love talking about Justin. I can talk about him all day if I could.

"There's not much talk about tour because he's just getting back into the groove of things, you know. But he is making songs and working on the next album. I'm so proud of him. He's overcome a lot so far" I told him and he started to smile too.

"I'm happy that everything is okay again. I know how much you love him" he said back.

"I do. A lot" I said and felt my cheeks getting red. Before either one of us could talk, my phone stared to ring. "Speaking of" I said with a laugh as I saw Justin calling me. "Hey babe" I answered.

"Hi beautiful. Sorry I been so busy all day. I'm working on these songs. I think you will really like them" I heard his voice and felt this happiness inside of me.

"It's okay, I understand. I can't wait to hear them" I said back.

"You will soon. Anyway, I'm almost home now. Are you there?" He asked me.

"No, I'm actually out. I'm with Jc"

"Oh okay. Where are you guys at? What are you doing?" He asked as I quickly hit the blunt. I decided to smoke with Jc. Why not?

"His place. And nothing much, just smoking"

"And it's just you two?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"Yeah" I answered slowly. I'm confused as to why he sounds annoyed now.

"So you're alone with another dude and getting high with him, oh alright" he said and now sounding more mad.

"Justin it's not-" I stopped talking once I heard the call end. He hung up on me. I groaned loudly.

"What happened?" Jc asked me. I put my phone down and looked up at him.

"Justin is mad that it's just you and I getting high together. Alone" I told him and he looked at me confused.

"After everything he did to you in the past? I'm sorry, I know it's not my place to say anything, but he should trust you not to do anything and if he doesn't then that's an issue. You and I are just really good friends. I was there for you making sure you were good after all his mistakes. Good friends is all this is" he said then shrugged.

"Thank you" I said sighing. "My point exactly" I put my phone in my pocket then grabbed my car keys from the table next to me. "We haven't fought once in the four months we been back together. But I guess I do understand why he's annoyed. But at the same time I don't because you're one of my good friends"

"Maybe because you guys started off as best friends" he suggested and I sighed.

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm going to go home and talk to him. I'll see you later" I told him as I stood up.

New Life: Justin Bieber: Sequel to In Love With My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now