Chapter Four

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-Johnny's point of view-

Charlotte showed me out to the porch. I took out a weed and lit it. It was getting chilly outside. Charlotte still had my jacket she looked tuff. I kept staring at her, she was making a bed for me. She looked real cute. I walked back inside once I was done smoking.

"Well here's your bed, if you need anything just knock on my door and let me know." She walked away, "Oh and here's your jacket you might need it" She laughed and walked away. I didn't want her to leave just yet, I wonder how the boys will feel if they just even caught the hint of me liking her. "Hey why don't you just stay over here I mean there's room for two." I wanted her to stay here. "My parents might kill me" She looked back at me and looked at me with sad eyes. "I'll sleep on the floor you take the couch, I'll do anything to have company." "I guess, I'll be right back" She ran out of the room. I wonder if pony will get mad at me I mean she did know him first. Hell if it wasn't for them being friends this never would've happened. I bet she likes pony. I just hope they don't get mad.

-Charlottes point of view-

I ran out of Johnny's apartment in the house and into my room. I changed into pajamas quickly before anyone could walk in on me and I grabbed extra blankets and pillows. I came back in. I wonder why Johnny wanted company. "I'm back" Johnny looked back at me and smiled. I set down a small bed for Johnny on the floor. "I should get you something to change in I don't think it would be very comfortable in jeans all night. And with that I went to grab some of my stepdads old clothes that Johnny would hopefully be able to wear.

"Here take these, I sure hope they fit." I handed the clothes to Johnny and giggled. "Thanks." I showed Johnny the bathroom where he could change and I sat back down on the couch and got comfortable. And with that I fell right to sleep.

no one lives forever || johnny cadeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant