Chapter Seven

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-At the drive in-

Johnny led me under a fence that apparently they go through with dally so they don't have to pay to get in.

"Where do you want to sit?" Johnny said and looked at me while holding my hand.

"Let's sit in back so no one notices we snuck in." We both sat down and watched the movie. It was a beach movie. It was still summer but it was almost autumn so they still played them until mid autumn when it starts getting cold.

"Are you getting cold?" I nodded my head instead of saying yes, even with this jacket I was freezing. Johnny pulled me closer and put his arm around me.

"Johnny? I hope we don't get jumped when we leave, that won't be a very good end to a date." I chuckled but I meant it, I didn't want to get hurt and same goes for Johnny.

"I don't think we will." Johnny said while still looking at the movie. I put my head on his shoulder and watched the film.

-Walking home-

"Are you staying at my house again or are you going to Ponys?" I asked Johnny.

"I'll go to your house, I don't want to have you walk alone, and I sure don't want to walk alone." I nodded and continued walking. Cars kept driving by but no one seemed to stop to jump us. That was pretty good seeming at this time of night anyone outside would probably get jumped. It started to thunder out and a few strucks of lighting showed up in the sky.

"We should hurry up man I don't want to die out in the storm." Johnny started to run and pulled me with him. My legs started to hurt but I still ran. We finally made it to my house.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, then we have school Monday. I really don't want to go. I hate school." I looked at Johnny while we walked inside.

"Yeah I don't wanna go either but we sure as hell can't skip."

We walked into the part I set aside for Johnny and I made him a bed on the couch.

"Hey Char, why don't you sleep with me tonight. I mean this thunder sure is giving me the creeps." Johnny smiled and sat on the couch.

"That's such a lie! But I won't leave you alone, I'll be right back." And with that I went to my room and changed. I noticed outside my window it was raining and I could hear wind as loud as ever. I said good night to my parents and brought Johnny some clothes to sleep in.

"Here go change." He walked to the bathroom and changed. He came back in and we laid on the couch. Johnny was warm and had his arms around me. I could get use to this. And with that I fell asleep to the sound of Johnny breathing.

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