Chapter Nine

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Johnny and I started walking to wherever he wanted to take me. A blue car started trailing us, I knew the car. It was Bob and Randy. I see them a lot around town jumping greasers. It's pretty sad that they do it for fun.

"Hey what's a pretty lady like you doing with a greaser like that?" I looked at them and I gave them a look of hatred.

"Back off." Johnny said to them.

"Johnny stop I don't want any trouble." I said to him quietly. We walked a bit faster but they only kept following us.

"Why don't you just come with us and forget the greaser?" I flipped them off. They just laughed. They drove off real close to us.

"That was close wasn't it Johnny?"

"Yeah it was." We just kept walking. Johnny led me to the park and we sat down on the edge of the water fountain.

"I've been thinking of something I wanted to ask you." At that moment I knew what he was gonna ask me. I just smiled and nodded and looked at him. He grabbed my hand.

"If you aren't ready just let me know, alright? But I wanted to know if you would, uh, be my girl?" I had a smile real big that went across my face.

"Of course I will." He leaned in and kissed me. It felt nice. I've never had a boyfriend and I was happy Johnny was going to be my first.

"C'mon, let's go share the news." And with that Johnny pulled my hand and we walked to the curtis house.

//this is a short chapter but I'm thinking of updating again tonight.//

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