Chapter Six

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-At the diner-

Johnny and I had just got to the diner. "Hey Charlotte" Johnny said and looked over to me. "Yeah?" "What are you gettin? I don't usually get breakfast out, I'm usually at Ponys eatin chocolate cake." He laughed and so did I. "Chocolate cake? Huh. That sure is different."

After we ate we walked out of the diner and set off to ponyboys house.

-Johnny's point of view-

It was different getting something else besides chocolate cake every morning. Especially with a girl, ever since Steve told me about Sylvia I haven't really talked to girls. I took a hold of Charlotte's hand, this was something different. I really liked her she was real cute and sweet. I love how she danced last night to those songs Elvis sang. I bit my lip and looked at her I smiled and looked down. "I see you smiling over there Johnny." Charlotte looked at me and smiled, I laughed. We ran into Dally. "Hey kids what are you two doin out here? And I see you're holding hands." Charlotte blushed. "Yeah. Johnny's protecting me, isn't that right Johnny?" "Yeah, sure." At that moment I didn't know whether she even liked me or not. Every time I get my hopes up it ends up that it just crushes me. "So Dal what are you up to? Wanna come to Ponys with us?" "I don't know man, sure I guess." We all walked to Ponys and it was real quiet.

-Charlotte's point of view-

I feel bad about telling Dally Johnny was only protecting me but I didn't want anyone to know I liked him, you see I just met the boy. We finally made it to Ponys house. Dally walked right in and me and Johnny followed along. "Hey Dal and Johnny. Oh looky here it's ol Charlotte!" Soda said to me while smiling. Darry told us we could have anything to eat, I told him Johnny and I got some food on the way here. "So what are you kids doing tonight?" Two-Bit said. "Me and Charlotte are gonna see a movie, alone." All the guys gave a whistle and cheered Johnny on. "So where's pony?" "Oh he's in the shower, don't go in." Soda said to me and winked. I laughed and sat on the couch. Steve was in the kitchen eating chocolate cake. Two-Bit was watching Mickey Mouse, everyone started telling me how much he loved Mickey.

-Later on before the drive in-

"Hey Charlotte?" Johnny whispered in my ear. I smiled and looked at him. "Let's get going to the drive in." I nodded and we both said our goodbyes to everyone and we left. "Here take my jacket again, it's cold." Johnny gave me his jacket and he took out a cigarette. "So what movie is playing?" I grabbed Johnny's hand. "I have no idea, let's go and find out." He stepped on his cigarette and we both ran to the drive in.

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