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I have an English first period tomorrow and instead of studying for it I'm just editing this. PRIORITIES.


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Grace Parker wasn't sure what to think now. When the group in front of the door dispersed and Jasper came to speak with them all quietly, he claims to have seen Bellamy standing outside of the dorm clad in a guards uniform. Maya stood beside him, which was why Jasper was initially looking that way in the first place.

Grace didn't know how to feel with the new information. She was having trouble just grasping the fact that he was actually alive, let alone undercover in this mountain, presumably to break them all out. But, he was dead, right? There was no way he actually got away in time. . . right? Even if he had somehow survived the blast off at the dropship, there was no way a grounder hadn't found him and killed him.

"We've been locked up for hours," Miller whispers. "If it was Bellamy—"

"It was Bellamy. I'm telling you. He's here," Jasper states. Grace tenses up slightly, crossing her arms over her chest and trying to keep a calm facade. She wasn't sure what to say or what to feel, all she knows is that if it wasn't Bellamy and it was just a convenient look-alike then she would kick Jaspers ass.

"All right."

"It doesn't make any sense," Monty buts in, moving to stand in front of them. Grace purses her lips, turning back around to send her people a small and reassuring smile. She had to act like she was okay so that her people wouldn't worry even more than they already were. She could practically see the fear radiating off of them.

"I know what I saw."

The sound of the door unlocking causes all of their heads to snap towards them. Grace moves to stand in front of her friends, her face stern and intimidating to the guards that start parading in. Dr.Tsing walks in directly in the middle of them, kind of like it was her own little protective square, with a stoic expression. "Back up everyone. Back up!"


Grace moves to stand next to Harper and Monty. There wasn't much she could do for them right now but she could try her hardest to keep Tsing away from them. She couldn't let either of them get taken again. They were both still so weak from the earlier extractions, there was no way in hell they would be able to survive any more.

Two guards march forward and grab onto the blonde girls arms. Grace moves quickly, attempting to shove the two guards off of her friends. They almost stumble in surprise at her strength but they quickly regain their strength. Grace shoves the one closest to her, shouting at them to let her friend go. She was too weak now.

SAVIOUR, BELLAMY BLAKE ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now