Forbidden Balor View

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Third Person View
As they reached Akeno's classroom, Akeno said,"Do remember to come to the club after the classes." Nagisa smiled,"I will, I hope you'll be making the tea." Akeno smiled back,"Sure." Nagisa left after saying goodbye and entered his class a few doors down the hall. Zsoka who was already in the class waved to Nagisa with a smile which he returned. Nagisa sat on his seat and turned back to see Zsoka completing a report file. Zsoka asked,"So what's up?" Nagisa's replied, "Nothing of importance" Zsoka asked a bit hesitantly,"What of the 3 leader's meeting? Its tomorrow, are you really coming?" Nagisa sighed,"I don't really have a choice do I." Zsoka sighed,"I don't think so, just be careful we don't want a repeat of last time" Nagisa laughed a bit,"No we don't."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Nagisa and Zsoka turned to find a boy probably a junior. Zsoka asked,"Yes what is it?" The boy hesitantly asked,"A girl was standing outside the main gate asking for Nagisa-senpai. She said she had to deliver something." Nagisa got up and said,"Could you take me to her?" The boy nodded and took Nagisa to the main gate,the boy pointing to the girl said,"There she is." Nagisa nodded and said,"Thanks for leading me here."

The boy nodded and left. Nagisa walked to the girl and said,"What are you doing here Yumi-san." The girl turned around surprised,"Ahh, you scared me Nagisa-san. I was sent to deliver a file." Nagisa rubbed his head,"I'm not in that school remember" Yumi nodded,"Actually I also left a while ago." Nagisa tilted his head,"So what is that file" Yumi hesitantly said,"Its from Mephisto Pheles." Nagisa sighed,"So you're a magician. And what has that man gotten himself into?" Yumi stared at Nagisa in a bit of shock,"How do you know that?" Nagisa chuckled a bit and said,"I'm not a human" Yumi hesitantly asked,"A devil then" Nagisa couldn't help but laugh,"Nope." He made a small barrier and revealed his golden metallic wings. Yumi couldn't help herself from being wide eyed,"Y-you're real. Th-there really is a Guardian." Releasing his wings,"Yumi, now now, don't be overwhelmed." Yumi looked at him in shock,"I didn't think you were real"

Nagisa asked smiling,"Yumi, the file?" Yumi got the file out of her bag as fast as she could and gave it to Nagisa,"A Battalion of mages who called themselves 'Nilrem' were kicked out of the guild on suspicion of them planning to defect to a terrorist group called the,'Khaos Brigade'. Mephisto-sama also said that they may attack during the Summit." Nagisa sighed closing the file and said with a hardened expression,"Tell Mephisto, If they don't attack nearby humans I'm not obliged to stop them at all. But if they truly want to spread Chaos, I won't show them any mercy." Yumi paled a bit and hesitantly said,"Please don't kill them, my big sister is also one of them." Nagisa's features softened a bit,"I don't want to kill them, they are still my precious human. They have just strayed from the path, but I can't make any promises Yumi." Yumi sorrowfully nodded and said,"I'll be leaving then." Nagisa nodded and said,"Hope we meet under better circumstances next time."

As Nagisa returned to the class with a file tucked under his arm. Zsoka noticing the file gave a questioning look which Nagisa just waved off. He sat on his seat an class began shortly. As the teacher started teaching them from the book, Rias leaned a bit and said,"You're coming today, right?" Nagisa nodded and asked curiously, "What's so important anyway?" Rias chuckled a bit and said,"We're taking my sealed bishop out. Onii-sama thinks I can handle him now." Nagisa curiously nodded,"Hmm I suppose he does online contracts." Rias nodded and said,"Yep, he probably is the club's highest earner. I think you'll like him." Nagisa smiled in response.

*After Class at the ORC*
Nagisa and Rias were walking to the ORC. As soon as they entered the room, they were met by Akeno putting cups of tea on the table, and Misaka sitting on the sofa humming to herself. As soon as Akeno and Misaka saw they they greeted them with a smile but, Misaka's smile turned to a slight frown at Nagisa's smile. Nagisa went to Misaka's side and sat a bit away, giving her space and whispered so that only she could hear,"Can we talk after this? There are some things I should have told you beforehand." Misaka nodded emotionlessly.

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