Chapter Twenty-One

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*Hey guys! Sorry about this chapter not posting right the first time! I don't even know what happened...*


Dante's POV

A week. It's been a little over a week since Audra decided to be a whore and run off with Antonio. Life's been a drag really.

When I called law emforcemenf, they immediately stormed Audra's house and came up empty handed. They said that the dress I bought her wasn't there and her cosmetics were out. Even her sheets were clean! Probably because she wanted to make a clean break.

Being blind really has it's disadvantages sometimes. I always have to go off of what people tell me and it sucks sometimes.

Law enforcement are kinda confused over what happened and said that they wanted to look into her "disappearance" because Vlad up and left town too. But I assured them that everything was a result of her being a cheater. It still counts even though we weren't together.

Dani, Alex, Mary, and Vince haven't talked to me. They blame me for Audra's wrongdoings. Bullshit right?! It's not my fault they can't see the truth because of Audra's lies.

Sitting in my living room, I record speech ideas for a council member attending a charity dinner. Since I can't see my handwriting, I opt for recording my voice instead. Make things easier.

Except for the fact that I'm utterly uninspired and have been since Audra left. Stupid bitch took my livelihood with her.

Think Danté think! You've gotta get this speech rolling! But I'm at a loss for words...

Grunting in frustration, I throw my recorder and pace furiously. A loud knock at the door abducts me from my thoughts.


Judging from the shrill yet menacing voice, it's Dani.

I open up the door only to be bombarded with Dani's invectives.

"Took you long enough?! Why in the hell did you abandon Audra like that?! Instead of looking for her, you just brush her off, knowing she's pregnant!!!"

Fuck her. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" I yell in Dani's face.

Only to have my nose meet her fist. A sharp pain radiates throughout my face and I feel the familiar trickle of blood.

"Why'd you punch me?!"

"Because you think you know shit and you don't! Sit down and listen to this message. Maybe then you'll realize how stupid you are."

Roughly pushing me into the sofa, Dani plops down beside me and starts to play a message from her phone.

There's an unrestrained feeling of doom in the air. I just don't know why.

Audra's voice fills the air.

"Hey Dani it's Audra" her voice is barely above a whisper "I'm held captive with Antonio, Vlad, and Bella. I don't know where I am, but I need medical help. I don't know if my baby is alive...oh my baby"

I hear her begin to cry.

"I was in a car accident with Vlad on the way to meet Danté and all I remember is blood and darkness... Then I wake up and I'm here with Bella and Vlad. I'm so scared.. My baby can't die. Please get help, please! Antonio said he was leaving for a couple of days so I'm alone with Bella and Vlad. Please don't let me die....please hel-"

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