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Mackenzie's POV

"ha ha here comes the queen of sluts." 

"she's gorgeous, I want to be her."

"she makes me gag."

"Kenz baby girl give me a kiss!"

"I'd do anything for one night in bed with her."

"She's such a slut."

I slam my locker and walk to the girls bathrooms, the comments following me wherever I went. Just as I hoped, my best friend Lexi was in there waiting for me. 

"Hey Mack Z." she said laughing.

"Urgh you said you would never call me that Lex." I groaned before pulling out my lipgloss and applying it on my plump lips.

"Honey your concealer is caking up, use mine." she handed me a tarte shape tape concealer as I wiped mine off with a makeup wipe I got from my bag before reapplied it using hers. 

"Thanks babe." I played around with my crimped hair before looking over at Lexi. "You look perfect, stop fretting." 

She sighed and we linked arms, walking out of the bathroom together into all the comments and dirty looks being thrown at us. We were perfect, the 'it' girls, the popular girls the ones that all the boys drooled over and all the girls wanted to be. Honestly I wasn't even that special, why would people want to be me? Finally, we arrived at maths and strutted into the classroom taking our seats in the middle of the room as our friends turned around and created a circle around us talking about utter crap. I chewed my gum and didn't really concentrate on their idle chatter. Instead I watched the door and waited for him to walk in. 

Brandon Rowland was standing there in all his glory and all his friends stood up to bring him over to us. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek, "Hey beautiful."

Me and Brandon had been dating for a few weeks and he was a catch I'm not going to lie. Him and his brothers were absolutely gorgeous and insanely talented as well but I guess I was only with him to increase my status. I know, bitchy move Mackenzie but honestly all of the guys in our school look good but have shitty personalities. Brandon was the only somewhat decent popular guy.

A few minutes before class started the joke of the school, Johnny Orlando, walked in and the boys immediately started to pick on him.

"Hey Johnny Snorlando. Had fun picking your nose before class?" Carter yelled out him as he ran to the back of the class.

"Had fun jacking off to the thought of Mackenzie in the toilets?" Mark shouted and Johnny shrunk in his seat, shoving his earphones in and putting up his hood. "Were you singing while you did it twerp? You love singing don't you Snorlando?" Brandon put his arm around me as if to show that I'm his and nobody else's. I lightly push off his hand feeling bad for Johnny, however if I said anything they would start making fun of me.

The bell rang and everyone moved back to their seats as Mr Smith walked in and started teaching us about advanced quadratic equations or something like that. If I'm being totally honest I wasn't concentrating. I was too busy looking at Johnny and feeling immensely sorry for him. The amount of hate he gets made me feel stupid for feeling rubbish about all the hate I got. I made a mental note in my head to say hi to him before the end of the day.

"Johnny, would you like to hand out the sheets." the whole class looked at him and he went bright pink and shook his head slowly. "Well too bad because I've picked you." Mr Smith walked towards Johnny and handed him the papers.

"Sir, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to hand them out." I say standing up. Lexi was gaping at me and Brandon looked at me confused while Mark and Carter giggled. I walked over to Mr Smith taking the papers from him and smiling at Johnny before handing them all out. When I sat back down I glanced at Johnny and he mouthed a thank you. I smiled and nodded before turning back and nodding at him. Brandon stared at me all throughout the interaction and his face was gradually turning as red as a tomato. He scoffed at me and I rolled my eyes at him, sticking out my tongue. Fine be a baby, huff and puff all you want, it seriously isn't going to change anything. 

By the end of the class I had finished the whole worksheet so I didn't have anything to do for homework. I walked out with Lexi and the guys before they could jeer and laugh at Johnny for eating lunch by himself but it didn't make any difference, Johnny was the prey and they were the wolves. When Lauren walked over to the table with Brynn they all immediately stopped making fun of Johnny. Mostly because they were all terrified of Lauren and they didn't want to find out what would happen if she found out they made fun of her brother. I guess she got the popular gene and he didn't.

Brandon didn't sit next to me at lunch, he seemed annoyed at me for some reason but I shrugged it off. I honestly didn't care if he hated me at this moment in time because he always came crawling back. Brynn got me some lunch but I wasn't hungry, I just ended up picking at my food and not eating any of it. "Kenz if you won't eat it, I will." she said taking a piece of my carefully cut up pizza. "Who even cuts pizza you weirdo." I shrugged putting in my headphones and laying my head on Lexi's shoulder, while carefully examining Brandon. He seemed fine but every time he saw me staring he would look away quickly and sigh.


The school day was finally over and as I was waiting for Brandon at his locker I saw Johnny walk by. I waved at him and said bye. He smiled shyly but powerwalked away when he saw Brandon. Brandon didn't actually make fun of Johnny which is why, as I said earlier, he is somewhat the only decent guy in our school. 

"Mackenzie." he ran his hand through his hair. "Stop talking to Johnny."

My smile turned into a frown as he said those words. "What, why?"

"I don't like the relationship you're developing with him." I rolled my eyes as he continued. "If you are going to be friends with him, I don't want to be known as your boyfriend during your downfall."

I felt my hand go against my will and ended up slapping him, making his red cheeks even redder. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. Brandon grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I felt his hand slither down as he placed it on my butt. I was so uncomfortable but too scared to say anything because he's always had the worst temper. He placed his lips on mine and I froze as he squeezed my butt laying sloppy kisses down my neck before returning to my lips again and then bringing his towards my ears. "If I see you talking to him again, I'll ruin you Kenz. You'll never be able to show your face here again." My heart stopped as he raked his hands through my hair. "I'll see you tonight at mine, 7pm." he slapped my butt and walked away, chuckling to himself.

I take it back. I take it all back. He is the worst guy at our school. He may not ask for nudes like the others, but he's a disgusting slimy snake. I hate him.


Yay first chapter and it ended with some steamy tea ooh la la.

also guys give me your opinions on the story in the comments

do you like it?

is it written well?

is it interesting?

would you keep on reading?

Is jenzie cute enough and how do you want certain characters to act?

hope y'all enjoyed it!

also hopefully i'll update again this week.

i've got to do homework love ya all!

{1313 words xoxo}


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