f o u r t e e n

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*This chapter (and the rest of the story) is very very dark, it was hard for me to write and I didn't want to do it, but for the plot to make sense, I had to write it. This story is addressing serious issues and if you've ever encountered any of them, my DM's are always open.


Mackenzie's POV

I had gone to Johnny's house every day after the incident with Brandon and helped him around the house even if he didn't want me too. He had a black eye and his lip was swollen but he still looked amazing, a lot more badass than before but he looked amazing.

We were lying down on his bed together cuddling one day, my head under his chin and my arms wrapped around his waist. "How did you decide to fight back?" I asked, I was curious, he fought back with the person he was terrified of the most.

"I channelled my alter ego, Juanny Ortiz, the little mexican boy." I laughed which caused him to smile, "But really, I thought of you, everything you've done for me by just being you, I needed to repay you somehow. I wanted to be your hero, but as usual, you ended up being mine."

"Hey Juan, don't you dare feel bad about yourself ok, I love you more than I love Johnny." he playfully punched me laughing, "Ok so maybe I mixed up the names, but you know what I meant. You were my hero when you helped me start eating again, and when you helped me to stop cutting." This was all true, because of him I was my better self.

"I guess, I just feel like I could do more." he chuckled to himself.

"Don't feel like that, you've done enough." I shoot him a quick smile. "Ok fine, load up whichever video game you want and I'll play."

His face lit up like the fourth of July as he scrambled off the bed to search through his insane bookshelf of video games. As he was looking, my phone went off, Maddie was texting me.


Mads: Kenz come home quick

He's angry, I'm locked up in my room, i'm so afraid.

Kenz: Do you know why?

Mads; I might have told mom, and she might have blown up and told him she was divorcing him.

Kenz: I'm coming.

"John, I have to go." I put on my hoodie and slip on my trainers. 

"No why?" he hugged me as shakily took deep breaths.

"I'll tell you everything when I comeback. Just play fifa without me for now, alright?" he nodded knowing something was wrong and I ran to Lauren's room. "Hiya I'm leaving now."

"Kenz, next time you come round it better be for me and not my brother." Lauren said laughing.

"Sure, bye!" I ran out of the house, Meredith and Dale were out on some sort of date so I couldn't and didn't say goodbye to them.

I drove at high speed trying to get to Maddie as quickly as I possibly could. She was probably terrified, shaking in her room all alone, with him banging at the door, trying to get in. 

"hey siri! Text Maddie and say that If anything happens to me, invite Lauren and Johnny round immediately, tell them everything you know about the situation. I love you mads."

"Is this what you want to send?"

"Yes, send."


I jumped out of my car and I felt sick, my hands were shaking as I opened the door and ran inside, immediately feeling my face being squeezed, I saw Maddie crying in the corner and kicked him, running over to her. 

"Mackenzie, I'm so sorry, the things he threatened to do to you, he took my phone." her face was red and blotchy as I felt a slap burn across mine, throwing me across to the other side of the room. He grabbed Maddie by her hair before wrapping his fingers around her neck. 

"NO!" My face was burning but I attacked him with slaps, bites, scratches, you name it, he didn't budge. I was desperate, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't let him kill her. "I would do anything, don't kill her." 

Maddie dropped to the floor gasping and panting, I wanted to help her, I wanted to but if I moved he would just hurt her even more. Instead, I pressed the power button on my phone five times, and praying that it called all my emergency contacts. 

"Leave her alone. Hurt me all you want, just don't hurt her." I whimpered as he stepped forward and threw me into the wall. I heard the crack in my skull and screamed from the pain as I fell through the glass table underneath. "Maddie run!" 

"No Mackenzie, I can't leave you!" She cried.

"I, said, RUN!" she stared at me before running upstairs, knowing how to get out of this godforsaken house.

"Oh, you just made my night 10 times better." he smashed a wine bottle around my head, and, that's all I could remember, everything else is gone.


I was in the hospital and everything was on fire, my body was in so much pain, I couldn't move anything. My mom, Maddie, Lauren, Johnny, Meredith, Dale and Brynn were in the room with me.

"What did he do to me?" I felt different, I didn't feel like me. 

My mom gave the others a look and everyone apart from her, Maddie, Lauren and Johnny left the room. 

"What did he do?" I whispered, I didn't want to hear, but I wanted to know at the same time. All of them were crying, I didn't know what to do, it must have been bad, like TV show bad. Like, something out of 13RW. 

"I should've stayed Mackenzie." Maddie couldn't look me in the eye, Lauren couldn't and neither could my mom. Johnny just stared, tears streaming out of his eyes.

"He hurt you Kenz." Johnny said, he was shaking, struggling to speak. "He... he's a monster. If I knew I would have come with you, I would have taken you home. I just remember hearing you scream, I heard you yelling, you were on speaker the whole time and Lauren was in the car with me." He stopped, his green eyes glossed from all the tears and I felt sick, I didn't want to know, I didn't want to know because I already knew what he did, I could tell, that's why I felt different, that's why everything was burning.

"My ex-husband hurt you Mackenzie, I should have known he was bad, I should have seen the signs." 

No, no please no. 

"Is he in jail?" I ask, tears streaming out.

My mom nodded.

"He pulled a Bryce Kenz." that's how we referred to it. It was so sickly for me and Lauren to comprehend, we hated the word, we hated saying it and we prayed that neither of us would have to go through it. But I had, I did.

"He raped me?" 

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