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Dear Johnny,

I'm sorry it had to end like this. I couldn't deal with it anymore, I couldn't see my future, I was stuck, lost, I didn't know what to do with myself. Me being around wasn't making you happy, I know how much you hated it, watching me deteriorate, with no sense of direction. You gave up everything for me, and here I am, leaving you alone.

I'm sorry I was so weak, I'm sorry I couldn't strive through, I'm sorry I couldn't stay. I tried. I tried day after day but I couldn't live with myself, knowing that had happened, I wasn't myself, I hated it. The voices got louder, they took over, I'm sorry I let you down.

Don't be hung up about me, go out there, live your life without me. You've always been stronger than me, you've always been able to do it, find someone else, replace me. I will always love you, and I will always be watching.

I love you so much Johnny Vincent Orlando,

Never forget that.

xoxo Kenz.


Dear Mom,

Don't you dare, blame yourself for this happening. It is not your fault, that that monster decided to do what he did. I made this choice for myself because I couldn't cope. It was not your fault. Just remember that I love you so much and there was nothing you could have done.

Thank you for raising me the way you did, thank you for teaching me to be humble, and to respect everyone and everything around me. Thank you for being there for me 24/7. Thank you for always being a shoulder to lean on.

I'm sorry for leaving you Mommy,

I love you.

xoxo Kenz


Dear Brynn, 

I love you. 

Thank you for trying, I will never not appreciate it. 

xoxo Kenz


Dear Lauren,

Thank you so much for being the best best friend I could ever hope for. I've never met someone I could trust as much as you without being scared that they're going to stab me in the back. 

I love you so so much Lolo.

xoxo Kenz


Dear Maddie,

Thank you for being one of my biggest inspirations and always being there for me. I will never not appreciate you big sis, I will never stop loving you, never stop loving me. Stay strong, and marry Jack already.

I love you so much,

xoxo Kenz.


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