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Mackenzie's POV

I told Maddie everything when I got home. At first she yelled at me for skipping school, but then she listened intently as I told her everything.

"Mackenzie, get in the car, I'm taking you back to school." grabbing her keys and my arm, Maddie dragged me into the car and started driving. "You are going to face your punishment. You stabbed a fucking pen in her hand." I rolled my eyes sulking because she was completely right. "Then I'm going to deal with Lexi."

I scrambled up in my seat. "No you're not." I say, panic surging through my body. "You can't."

"Then promise me you will sort out whatever dispute that you and Lexi have. Even if it means admitting defeat."

Maddie's eyes were focused on the road as I stared at her, my jaw agape. It would plummet me down below Lexi if I admit defeat to her. I couldn't lose my title, not yet anyways. "Ok I promise."


Johnny's POV

I hated school, I hated the environment, I hated the bullying, I hated everything. No, not everything, not yet. The one thing I looked forward to in school was Mackenzie Ziegler. She is the person getting me through all this bullying, not my sisters, not my mom but her. And she doesn't even realise. She's the warmth of my autumn blaze, the calm before the storm. She's perfect.

She bursts in through the main school doors as people whisper and point at her but she didn't care a single bit, you could see it all from her face, she was confident, and gorgeous and just... amazing. 

"SNORLANDO!" my blood ran cold as I heard that name, not bothering to hide behind my locker door, ready for the abuse I was about to get. "Your perfect girl isn't so perfect anymore Snorlando have you heard? She was a very naughty girl wasn't she." Carter, Mark and Brandon all surrounded my locker with scowls on their faces.

"She got angry Snorlando, there was blood everywhere." Brandon snarled as Mark and Carter mimicked the scene. I felt dizzy, none of this is true, she's too pure... The scene they described was graphic, I didn't believe them at all. I didn't want to. 

"Since you support her so much, let's see if your angel will come and get you. Good luck getting out dweeb." And for the fourth time this week, I was trapped inside my locker again.

Instead of trying to get out, I decided to stay in there for a little bit and get to grips with what those dicks just told me. Mackenzie got out of control? There was blood everywhere? I was confused and hurt and I didn't know why, I wasn't even dating her, she was just supposed to be my angel, and angels don't harm, they protect.

I had probably spent around 10 minutes in the locker before I decided I wanted to leave. Banging on the locker door I screamed to be let out, telling the person whoever heard my combination code. Not long after I heard my locker click as the door opened to reveal her, Mackenzie. 

"Thank you." I say walking out and facing her before looking at her face and realising that she had been crying, her eyes were puffy and her lip was quivering as I pulled her into a hug. I have no idea what came over me, but I'm hugging the most beautiful person in the world, the most pure and fantastic human and I felt amazing. She pulled back and wiped her eyes.

"Why on earth were you in the locker?" she asks, sniffing.

"Urm Brandon put me in there." I say scratching the back of my neck as she clenched her jaw.

"I'm going to kill him."

"No you're not. Not after the whole Lexi situation." she frowned at me and then sighed taking my hand and walking outside. "Are you skipping class?" she shrugged and continued to lead me down a little path lined with lush shrubbery and flowers. We came to stand outside a door with a padlock and she entered a code before walking in. The place was pitch black and she let go of my hand to find the lights.

"Welcome to my music room." she says, the lights flicking on and I found that we were in a small room with a piano, all different types of guitars and amps, a drum kit and a microphone. There were draws with labels of different instruments such as tambourines and shakers. I was in shock and my mouth was wide open. "I come here when I need to let off some steam. I have the rest of the day in isolation and then I'm suspended for 3 days. This is my isolation room."

I walk over to the piano and feel the sleek, polished wood and played a little melody, not too long after Mackenzie was by my side and patted the spot next to her on the chair she was sitting on. I stood around awkwardly, looking like a total goof before cautiously sitting next to her as she stared at me.

"Could you play something?" my eyes widen as I look into hers. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I shook my head and placed my hands on the keys as I decided what song to sing.

"Trying not to breathe one, two, three. Trying not to freak as you look at me. Gotta make a move but I freeze, you don't have a clue what you do to me." As I sang, the whole world melted away. I wasn't in the music room any more. I felt the music in my fingers and saw the colours and display of beauty they made all around me. This is why i loved music, it was so graphic and beautiful, it just calmed me down and made me feel good. 

As I finished the chorus I came back, my high had disappeared and I was back in the real world, in the room with Mackenzie in front of me. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes wide as she stared at me, I licked my lip before I bit it, waiting for her to say something but she didn't say anything and I was scared that my voice was rubbish.

"Your voice is gorgeous. I love it. I love it so much." she breathed not wanting to break the moment as she took my hands in hers, staring into my eyes. I was mesmerized by her, the way she moved, just everything about her. Licking my lips, I stared at hers and picked up her chin with my fingers delicately and moved my face closer to hers. I felt her breathing pick up steadily as our lips were millimeters apart, our noses touching and I wanted this to happen so bad, but I couldn't let it happen. Pulling away I saw her frown before she quickly stared at the piano and I saw her fiddle with her fingers as she pretended nothing just happened. I felt horrible, I wanted to kiss her so bad, but how can an angel like her, been seen with a peasant like me?

 "Sing a duet with me?" her brown eyes had lost the excitement as I nodded and she brought out sheet music for Photograph by Ed Sheeran. We sang the song together and occasionally I would steal quick glances at her. I was so glad, lucky even to be in the same room as her, doing this with her. Her voice was beautiful, it was like cloud nine and just being here, singing with her made me forget all the pain, trouble and turmoil I've gone through this year. It was all worth it, just to be here with her.


That was such a cute scene, I loved writing it sm.

Hehe y'all thought they were gonna kiss, sike bitchess!

Ahhh they're so cute #jenzie !

I can't wait for you guys to read what I have planned for the next chapter.

Probably going to do a double upload today

{1371 words xoxo}


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