t h i r t e e n

532 14 3

*3 months after


Johnny's POV

Shit, shit, shit.

I ran through the hallways of the school, desperately looking for a classroom to hide in. I wasn't ready, not yet, I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't take on all three of them.

"JOHNNY!" I jumped out of my skin before hiding in the janitors closet. He was coming for me, and when he found me, he was going to murder me. Him and his little gang of friends.




"I love you so much Johnny." she kissed me, wrapping her arms around my neck before I playfully pulled away.

"Say it again please." 

"I," kiss, "love," kiss, "you." as her cute laugh rang through my ears. It was our three month anniversary and we were outside the school in a hidden area. We couldn't be seen in public together or else I wouldn't be able to live another day and it was pure agony. I wanted to slap those bastards faces by telling them I was with Kenz, that I loved her, and she loved me and that nothing they say could change that. But I couldn't, because I was a wimp, I was a scardy cat, I was worthless.

"Johnny, I know you feel crap about this whole relationship situation but you shouldn't. I quite like it, living in secret, it's like we're bandits." she smiled and pinched my arm. "On the first of January you asked me to be your girlfriend and I said yes, it's now the first of March and it's honestly been the happiest three months of my life."

I knew she wasn't lying, it has been the happiest three months of her life. She had started eating again, and I'd been helping her in eating healthy portions. Yes, she did throw up every now and again, but she had made so much progress and I was happy for her. She told me she had stopped cutting, but I wasn't too sure, I mean, she started showing her arms a bit more, and the scars were still there. She was very quick at writing it off to other people, saying she hurt herself while cooking or something like that. It wasn't very believable, but she insisted on it.

However, I hadn't let her know that these three months had been painful for me, Lauren found out about me getting bullied and she decided to talk to the guys about it even though I told her not to. She made my situation worse, and I know she didn't mean to, but she did.

"Kenz, we should get back in, that's the warning bell." I kissed her one last time. "You go in first."

She nodded, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. I was left there grinning like an idiot, I had the best girlfriend ever. 

But little did we know,

people have eyes everywhere.


flashback over


"JOHNNY! I SWEAR WHEN I FIND YOU I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" Brandon screamed as I whimpered, praying that he wouldn't find me.

Where was she? Maths? Wouldn't she notice that Brandon and his goons weren't there? Wouldn't she hear the yelling? I needed her desperately.

"CHECK EVERY SINGLE ROOM IN THIS CORRIDOR!" I heard him yell as I moved further back in the closet, trying to be silent. I misplaced my footing and knocked over a broom. It clattered onto the floor and that was when I knew, my life was over.

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