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Mackenzie's POV

It was the day, the day that changed all days, the day of the sleepover. My step-dad was out of Pittsburgh with my mom on their little New Year's trip for the weekend, Maddie had the house and I was going to stay at Lauren's until Monday. Three days with my best friend, and her brother, I was super excited.

I got a small suitcase and packed all the stuff I might need for a three trip. I decided to wear an off the shoulder lettuce shirt with black leggings and my superstars, before packing three different outfits, two pairs of pyjamas, three pairs of shoes that went with my outfits, some toiletries that I might need and some spare coats and hoodies in case of an emergency. I hid the silver tin inside a hoodie before zipping up my suitcase and heading downstairs as I waited for the Orlando's to come over.

Maddie was going to stay at home with her Australian boyfriend Jack, they had been dating for 5 years and I was honestly just waiting for him to pop the question. Maddie's relationship with her boyfriend was what I wanted with my future one, the thought of Johnny popped into my head, but I pushed it out and purposely sat between Maddie and Jack. Jack moved up for me as Maddie sighed and rolled her eyes, it was funny honestly, she was so attached.  

"How are you Kenz?" Jack said in his australian accent which was kind of cute, I see why Maddie loved him so much.  

"Super excited! I'm going to spend three days with my best friends!" I squealed kicking my legs around.

"And because of jenzie of course." Maddie said, punching me in the arm and I slapped her hand, shaking my head. 

"No." yes. "It's only because of Lauren and Brynn." That's a lie. 

Maddie and Jack could clearly tell I was lying as they laughed at me, muttering things like 'there's no point in lying.' and 'we know all' it was as if God heard my desperate prayers because our doorbell went as I jumped up from the couch, running to the door, Maddie and Jack close behind me, and I jumped into Lauren's arms straight after I opened it. We fell back together on the lawn laughing our heads off. I missed her so much, we hadn't seen each other for 3 weeks and yeah, we've texted and facetimed but it's not the same.

"I've missed you so much Lolo." I whisper as we lie in the grass together, our arms still wrapped around each other.

"I've missed you too Mackenzas." she stood up, pulling me with her and we hugged again for another three seconds before looking over at Maddie and Jack who were laughing their heads off at us. 

"Maddie shut up!" I yelled before running up to her and Jack and giving them a big hug. Lauren had my suitcase and was already loading it into the car. "I love you two. I'll see you in three days." 

They stood there waving as I ran down to the car where Lauren was holding the door open for me. Jack was leaning on the doorframe with his arm around Maddie's hip and they looked like a married couple. I couldn't wait until it was finally true.

"Wear protection Kenz!" Maddie screamed as Lauren got into the car after me and shut the door. I quickly flipped them off, knowing full well they could still see me as we drove off on our way to the Orlandos. 


I had gotten super close to Lauren and her family, I was good friends with her parents, Dale and Meredith, I often talked to her sister's, Darian and Maddie and of course, Johnny. As soon as I got to their house he saw me and ran up to me, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and our faces got super close together, so close that our noses were touching, and my heart started beating faster.

"I've missed you loads Kenz." He breathed, so only I could hear before putting my down and pulling me into a hug. 

"I've missed you too John." I whisper into his ear and rested my chin into the crevice of his neck as we stood there hugging each other for what felt like hours. I always felt the safest when I was with him, around him, anything to do with him just as a person.

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