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Mackenzie's POV

"How excited are you to spend a whole day with me Kenz?" Johnny said, flashing me a toothy grin as we walked down an old, tattered path together. Somehow, he had bribed Lauren to steal me for the day, claiming that it wasn't too hard because he loved me more than her. 

"Not excited at all. Lauren's activities are more fun." he fake pouted and ran off in front of me, so I ran as well, overtaking him, the wind making my hair fly and the biggest smile on my face, I felt stupid but carefree as I came to a stop and Johnny stood next to me a few seconds after.

"I let you win." He said panting, clutching onto his stomach and wincing.

I walked up to him and entwined my hands in his, "Sure you did." He laughed and twirled me around.

"Come on, we don't have all day, we have places to be." Johnny bent down and patted his back, implying that I should jump on so I did and he started walking.

"Are you sure I'm not too heavy? I'll come off." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his temples.

"It's fine Kenz, honestly. I'm a man, not some weak little boy." I had no idea why that made me laugh so much but I insisted that he put me down, even though he had only been carrying me for 2 minutes. We walked the rest of the way in silence, his hand entwined in mine and I was completely fine with that, I was stuck in my own head.

After quite some time of walking down winding roads we got to the place Johnny wanted to take us, it was a cute little wood cabin surrounded by lots of greenery and flowers.

"I rented it for us, for the night. I thought maybe you needed some space from the city life after the situation. But, at the same time, I know how much you love the city life, so it is between your reach. Whenever you want to go back, just tell me." My eyes were tearing up as I turned to Johnny and gave him a massive hug not wanting to let go or have him see me crying like a fool.

"I love it John. I love it so much." I say, pulling away and wiping my face. Johnny smiled at me and grabbed my hand, walking me towards the door.

"Welcome to our humble abode." It was honestly gorgeous, the wood looked amazing in the living room and there was a cute woven rug on the floor with a couch and some grey beanbags on top. There was also a full screen tv and a fireplace with a coffee table in front of it. I screamed running to the bedrooms and jumping onto the bed, Johnny walked in shortly after to see me fangirling about how cutely it was decorated. "I'm glad you love it." Running up to him I kissed him and my lips melted into his. I loved him, I loved him so much. We haven't even been dating for a week but I know I love him, from the moment I met him, I knew he was the one, my forever. "Come on Kenz, you haven't even seen the patio behind yet." 

He grabbed my hand and opened lead me to the patio. I was shocked, shooketh to the core. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me. "I thought you would really like the hot tub, you never stop talking about how much you want one in your future house." There were tears streaming onto my face as I pulled him into the tightest hug I could muster. He rested his head on mine and we just stood there, rocking. I loved him, I loved this.

"Oh and Kenz?" 


"I have some activities planned but why don't you head back into the bedroom and change into a more suitable outfit." he winked at me and my eyes widened as I ran to the bedroom and looked through the drawers to find multiple colourful outfits and swimsuits. "Take your pick princess." he mumbled in my ear, wrapping his hands around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder. I loved how confident he was when it was just the two of us, he was completely himself, I didn't want to go back to school and have it all ruined if I'm being completely honest.

I picked out some denim shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt, he frowned when he saw the shirt because it was literally boiling outside but I closed his eyes and pushed him out of the room.

I slowly started taking off my hoodie and my shorts, staring at the multiple scars on my body. I haven't cut for a week which is great for me, I think it was just the sheer excitement of seeing Johnny again, nothing's been able to bring me down.

"Oh and Kenz?" he yelled from outside.


"Wear a swimsuit!" 

My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. No. Not now, not yet, not like this.


How is Kenz gonna get out of this hmmm?

Lil cliffhanger for y'all like it's not intense.

Hopefully you guys are still enjoying the story!

{902 words xoxo}


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