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Mackenzie's POV

"Mackenzie it's not what it looks like." Brandon's eyes pleaded with me as he ran up to me in only his boxers and his hair an absolute mess.

"It is what it looks like babe." Lexi says from the couch. "You were about to have-"

"Get out Lexi, I don't want you here anymore." Brandon yelled. Lexi lazily stood up from the couch, stretching like a cat. She picked up her clothes and put them on before leaving the house and I watched her the whole time, my eyes burning holes in her flesh. "Mackenzie, let's talk."

"The only thing I need to talk to you about is the fact that you got mad for me even smiling at Johnny Orlando." his name made Brandon flinch but I didn't care. "But when I come round, like you told me to, you're here with your face attached to Lexi's? Brandon, we're over. And don't you dare come at me with this 'I can ruin you' bullshit because we all know all Brandon can do is spend money, sext girls and end up with them in bed. I used to think you were ok, I was wrong."

I ran out of his house before he could say anything else, tears rushing out of my eyes. I ran all the way down his block, my head whizzing because I was furious and sad but happy at the same time. Happy that I had finally broken up with Brandon Rowland but furious that I've potentially lost my only friend. I hated Lexi for that, despised her, same with Brandon, they both had a special place in hell waiting for them.

I ran all the way home, with tears streaming down my face. My legs were starting to get tired and I looked back, already knowing what I was going to see. Brandon was nowhere to be seen but behind me was darkness and it was etching closer and closer. My heart was beating out of it's chest as I ran from it, I couldn't let it win. I found it harder to breathe every second and my head was spinning. I felt dizzy, sick even. Every time my foot hit the floor, the sound rang through my ears, making my head feel like a ticking time bomb. My head hurt and my legs were trembling as I collapsed on the floor, wanting to get away but too tired to. The dark thoughts rushed through my head. All of them flew at me all at once. I couldn't do anything to stop it as my tears danced down my face, rushing out to show themselves. My breathing was irregular, hard, rushed but I couldn't do anything. I was stuck, and I couldn't get out.


"Mackenzie, are you ok? Can you hear me?"

My eyelids fluttered open as I saw Johnny, Lauren and another woman standing over me. I sat up but they all yelled at me to stay lying down. Lauren hugged me and rubbed my shoulder as Johnny and the woman beside him watched.

"Where am I?"

"You're at the hospital Mackenzie. Johnny found you on the floor on his run and he came to get us after calling the ambulance. I was terrified Kenz, you were breathing really fast, like you were struggling to breathe and you were sweating really badly." Lauren said before glancing back at Johnny and he nodded frantically. I looked at Johnny and smiled, I guess as a way to thank him for worrying.

"I'm honestly fine. I just needed time to think." I say trying to make myself sound as innocent as possible.

The doctor, Doctor Brown, walked in. I knew him because he was the one who treated me when I had my first panic attack. He was our family doctor so he knew everything. Even about the whole cutting situation.

"Mackenzie it's time you see a counsellor." he says solemnly, his eyes staring at my wrists for a split second as I pressed them against my thighs.

"What if I don't want to?"

"It's your choice, but other people are starting to worry about you as well and all I care about is your well-being."

"What is he talking about?" Lauren whispered and I shrugged her off, not wanting to say anything.

"I'll think about it." Dr. Brown smiled before telling me I can be discharged and walked out of the room. "You shouldn't have brought me here. Thank you for the help but I'm going to walk home."

I stood up to walk out but Johnny grabbed my arm. "No you're not. You're taking our car and we are driving you home."

Huffing, he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside, making me get in the car. I've never seen Johnny like this. The woman, their mother I'm guessing, and Lauren ran after us as we climbed into the sleek BMW. Me and Johnny took the back, while Lauren called shotgun.

The car ride to my house was silent, Johnny was still holding my hand which made my stomach explode with butterflies for some reason. I mean, I didn't like him so why on earth was I fangirling over him holding my hand. We got to my house in no time and my step-dad's car was in the driveway. "It's just here. Thank you Mrs Orlando."

"Please, call me Meredith." she says before smiling at me.

I nod and let go of Johnny's hand, rushing out of the car to save Maddie from whatever torture he was making her go through. It just turned 12 and the house was completely dark, but I heard screams from the living room. "Maddie!" I screamed before seeing there was a movie on as all of the lights switched on. "Maddie!"

Arms grabbed me from behind and dragged me upstairs. "Stop screaming, he's asleep."

"Did he hurt you?"I whisper.

"No. I locked my door."

We walked into Maddie's room as she switched on the lights and locked her door. I squeezed her tight after not seeing her all day.

"Why were you away for so long? What happened?" so I explained to her everything. Lexi and Brandon, the panic attack, Johnny, Lauren and Meredith, Doctor Brown, all of the events leading to now. She didn't say anything, instead she just stared at me with her big blue eyes, taking in all of the information I was giving her. "I agree with doctor Brown." I pouted, annoyed my sister was taking his side. "But right now you need to sleep."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Maddie smiled and nodded as we both climbed into her bed. Her head was probably whizzing about as well. She knew about my panic attacks but that was all. "I love you Maddie."

"I love you too Kenz."


Yay! Another chapter!

Some juicy stuff is planned to go down in school hehe ;)

Also leave some comments of how I can improve the story,

and dm me some ideas on my instagram (waffle.kenz)

and maybe drop a follow while you at it :))

Going to do a double upload today yummy!


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