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Mackenzie's POV

I ran out of the school and jumped into my car, struggling to breathe. He was a monster, I hated him. I didn't want to be seen with him anymore. I was stuck, I couldn't get out of this situation. I deserved to be punished for still being with him. I screamed and hit the steering wheel, driving off, absolutely furious at myself for letting him take advantage of me.

When I got home I ran up the stairs. My step-dad wasn't home thank god. Slamming the door shut, I reached into my pocket to reveal a little silver tin and inside it was a razor. I only cut myself for certain reasons, they were reminders of all of the stupid mistakes I've made and continued to make.

My hands were shaking as I rolled up my jacket revealing my scarred, tanned arms. I commanded myself to get a grip before cutting a 1mm line into my flesh, thinking about how I let him take control of me, use me. I winced and watched as the blood trickled out of my arm. After a few minutes my jeans were stained and I decided to wash them up myself before going to the bathroom to wash my wrist. The cold water ran over the cut, stinging it but I didn't care. I got the alcohol spray and sprayed it over my hand. It's scary how used to this I am, to the point where the spray doesn't even sting me anymore. I probably started this when I was 14 and I've been doing it ever since. It's hard to stop.

After I had cleaned myself up I took off my jeans and changed into blue velvet shorts and a white tube top. I washed the blood stains off as much as I could and if my step-dad asked I would tell him they were just period stains. Hopefully he'd believe it as he's not the smartest. My mom's been away on a business trip and he hates me and Maddie. When my mom's away we try not to be at home alone with him. He does stuff to us, I'm too scared to tell anyone in case he or my mom finds out. I hung up my jeans on the radiator to dry and ran downstairs to grab a bottle of water because I was getting hungry. I hadn't eaten all day and I wasn't planning on it.

While I was waiting for 6:30 I watched a few episodes of the vampire diaries and did my chemistry homework. I couldn't wait until I could leave school and just all of the whispers. Or I wish I could move to England and live with my family there because England must be nicer than this shithole right?

Me and Maddie missed my mum a lot. She still had another week before she's due to be back and we've been counting down the days until then. Not only because it's the amount of days before our step-dad stops, but because we will get to see her again. 

I finished two episodes by 6:30 and got ready to meet Brandon even though I really didn't want to. I just put on a fluffy cardigan on top of what I was wearing already to cover up my scars before slipping into my vans and walking out the door. My mind was like a playful puppy, yapping and moving around, never ending, never stopping even though all I wanted it to do was stop. I had already left a note for Maddie and my step-dad telling them I was out but I'll be back before midnight as I power walked down the dimly lit streets to Brandon's house. 


As I got to his house I saw a text from Brandon telling me the keys are under the flowerpot on the porch but this was from quite a few hours ago. Desperate to get this over with, I reached under and felt the cold keys in my hands before unlocking the door to find my worst nightmare.

She looked at me with a smirk, her lipstick smeared and she was in her bra and knickers. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to cry after I caught my best friend, with my boyfriend.



hope you guys enjoyed that chapter!

It was really short but I wanted some spice.

So much tea is going to be spilled in the next few chapters

sorry there was no dialogue idk I thought it was better without

this was just a filler chapter I'm sorry but you'll be happy with the next one

okey dokey I'm gonna go,

i'll upload again soon.


{787 words xoxo}


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