Chapter 3

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Astrids P.O.V

A few days had passed by since the independence day and I had returned to my old schedule. I would get up, dress, take my breakfast and head straight to the library. Today I was in the mood for reading history. Yes I know what you're thinking, why would would someone want to read a book when they could be hanging out with their fiance? 

Well, even though Jack was staying with us in the castle. He was acting weird around me. Whenever I would invite he would make up some excuse and walk away leaving me confused and hurt. But today I didn't invite him. He'll come when he wants to I thought.

I entered the library and inhaled in the scent of books. The library was my favorite room of the whole castle.It had many seating areas plus small windows through which moonlight would peek inside.

I headed towards a shelf with the label "history" and began to search for an interesting book. After finding my required book I went and sat down on one of the couch near the window. Opening the book, I began to scan the titles of each chapter until one caught my eye.

The neutral lands

In the year 1889; demons, wizards, and centaurs had taken over the Earth, ruining life for all creatures on Earth. The demons had taken over the vampire and werewolf kingdoms making their lives miserable.

After many years of torture and Agony the two kingdoms decided that they had enough. The leaders of the two kingdoms decided it was time to have their own land and independence. Sir Maximus, leader of the vampires and Sir Zander, leader of the werewolves united together and formed an army to fight against the enemies.

Of course to successfully execute the plan they would need a lot of help for most of their people had become weak due to the years of torture. They sought the help of the powerful sorceress Helga.

There are four elements in the world, Earth, Water, Fire and Ice. Each element having its own power as well as dragon.

Vitalus, the dragon of nature

Igneous the dragon of fire

Hydris, the dragon of water

Frost, the dragon of ice

Helga helped them unlock the dragons inside of them, but it wasn't easy. They both had to go through vigorous training and tough times to achieve this. Sir Maximus received  Vitalus, the dragon of life whereas Sir Zander received Hydris, the dragon of water. 

The battle took place near just below the southern mountains. It was a rough and violent battle.

The battle resulted by in many deaths but at the end the allied forces of Vampires and Werewolves were victorious.

Vampires and Werewolves had gotten their own lands and the place where the battle took place is known as the neutral lands. Because this land belongs to both the vampire and werewolves.

I was snapped out of the book when the maid informed that my mom would like my presence in the living room.

Mentally groaning, I got up from my place and exited the library, dragging myself to the living room.
As I entered I saw that Aunt Blaze, Jack, Alex, Valerie, and mom were all seated in the living room and were enjoying hot beverages. In the background the T.V was on with some news channel playing.

"Ah, Astrid you're finally here." Mom said as she set down her cup and gave me a smile. "Tea or Coffee dear?" 

"Coffee" I replied and the servant immediately scrambled to the kitchen to get a cup. 

I sat down on the brown leather couch and tried to listen in to the conversation, but soon it was too boring for me. I tried to direct  my attention somewhere else, my eyes roamed around the room until the settled onto the T.V. 

King Alpha Xavier, Leader of the werewolves was being discussed on the channel. Apparently he still had not found his mate, which for some reason is a big deal considering the pack needs their Queen as early as possible. These werewolves can be extremely dramatic most of the times. 

I know that a soulmate is an important aspect of your life, but it does nit define the way you should live your life. If Xavier didn't find his mate, he could just marry some girl he like and make her his queen. 

So engrossed into my thoughts I didn't hear mom until Valerie shook y by the arm, "Sorry what did you say mom?" 

"Valerie, Jack, and Alex are going outside, would you like to accompany them on their trip?" mom asked, she knew I wasn't much of an extrovert nor was I enthusiastic when it came to socializing. 

I was going to decline but then an idea popped into my mind. I could use this opportunity to spend more time with Jack.

"They do?" I asked with a bit of confusion and suspicion. Usually, these Valerie would never want to be seen near me and today she was willing to take me with her.

"Yes, we do. Now can you stop beating around the bush and answer the question asked" Valerie snapped, her tone holding anger.

"Valerie there is no need for the attitude" Mom spoke

"It's okay mom. I'd love to go," I said happily.

Valeries P.O.V

The Independence day (flashback)

I slowly tip toed past my parents room, so that they wouldn't catch me eavesdropping.  I had never known what would happen to a vampire if they stayed outside until morning, but now that I did I was going to use the knowledge wisely.  

I entered my room, catching the attention of the two men seated inside.  My fiance and Jack. 

"Were have you been V?" 

Ignoring Alex's question I directed my attention to Jack."What a pleasant surprise,What are you doing here Jack?" I asked. I had to deal with Astrid, I couldn't deal with her fiance as well

"I'll explain" said Jack he hesitated a bit before speaking "Look I love Astrid and I love spending time with her.She's an amzing perosn and I ----

"Did you come here to tell us how much you love your fiance bceuase if yo---

"I found my mate and I can't accept Astrid" 

Silence filled the room. Jack had found his mate? 


"Congratulations Jack. " My words surprised both men. 

 "That just makes it perfect for my plan," I said. 

"What plan?" He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Well....." I poured at every detail I had heard from my parents and also revealed the plan to both of them 

"Wow Valerie you're plan is pretty intense," said Alex leaning back on the sofa.

I chuckled darkly "It'll be the perfect revenge for all the years that have passed"

Jack shook his head in disapproval, "You're plan is so cruel and merciless I cant do it," he said

"Listen pal at the end of the day it's your loss," I said

"We cant do this!" said Jack in frustration

"Listen bud, even if you somehow convince my mom and your mom about not marrying Astrid you still won't get what you want. Your mate is not a royal whereas Astrid is, if you chose your mate over Astrid then you won't be crowned King of your kingdom. If you chose Astrid over Blaire then you'll eventually die; because you need your mate, " I smirk when I see his face go pale " but if Astrid is gone then you can choose any girl in the kingdom to marry" Jack looked uneasy but we both knew he had no choice but to agree

His stance held defeat confirming that there would be no hindrance in the execution of the plan. After that I let a few days pass before putting my plan into action. 

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