Chapter 4

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Astrids P.O.V

"So you guys want to tell me where we're going?" I asked as we all got in the car

"You'll see" Valerie answered

The car stopped in front of the woods. I gulped. I had never been to the woods ever in my life, whereas Valerie, Jack, and Alex are frequent visitors.

"Come on," Jack said as he got out of the car

I followed them through the forest and we stopped in front of a small house.

"Come on Astrid" said Alex grinning mischievously.

Slowly we opened the door and went inside. Inside, the house looked like no one had been in it for years. The walls were made of wood which had holes in between them. A few water droplets fell on me and I looked up to see that the roof had a few holes as well. As we were walking through the hallways the wood underneath my feet made creaking sounds. The house only had a few rooms which contained a few pieces of old furniture. Valerie led us into a small room. I looked around observing the room. It had a small window through moonlight was peeking in. A small shelf was placed beside a wall and that was the only furniture in the room. The floor here was comparatively better than the one in the hallway.

Jack moved forwards and pushed the bookshelf aside. Behind it was a dark tunnel. They all went through and I followed closely not wanting to get lost. When I got outside from the tunnel I was in a small room but Valerie, Jack, and Alex weren't there.

"Guys?" I whispered

Suddenly the door closed and locked. I turned around shocked and scared. I heard laughter behind the door.

"Valerie" I ran to the door and started to bang on it."I'm stuck let me out" I screamed

"You pathetic excuse for a sister, getting all the attention and everything else on your Goddamn wishlist whereas I get nothing"

"Valerie I don't know what you're talking about please let me out" I pleaded

"Stay here that's your punishment," said Valerie

"JACK!" I pleaded I knew asking Valerie was useless but Jack he would help me. "JACK LET ME OUT PLEASE!" I screamed his name but I got no answer. All I heard was chuckling and then silence.

I was panting really hard. I tried punching, kicking anything I could muster to break or open the door but nothing happened.

After a while, I just gave up. I sat down. Mom and Dad will notice I'm not here and try to find me. I thought to myself. I waited and waited but no one came. After a while of searching in the room, I found a place I could escape from but it was too small for me to escape as human so I turned into a bat and flew out.  As soon as I got out, I was greeted by sunlight which immediately turned me back into human form and pain started to spread through my body.

CRAP ITS MORNING I thought to myself. I didn't realize how long I had been inside that small hut.

Before I could run anywhere a burning sensation invaded my skin. It started off light but then ended up with so much intensity I felt like somebody had thrown me into flames. I screamed in pain and tears started to well from my eyes. The pain didn't stop at burning it then felt like my chest was ripped open and something was pulled out of it. 

My bat appeared in front of me. I was shocked how can Ally separated from my body, we're one. . I heard Ally whimper in pain. Her screams getting louder and louder and so did mine. I was screaming in pain as loud as I could. Tears were falling from my eyes and I was clutching my stomach in pain. My bats' screams began to faint until it went silent. I tried to call it

ALLY? ALLY? I screamed its name but got no reply

I screamed again but my voice came out only as a whimper because of my previous screaming. My throat had become sore and dehydrated. I had no energy left within me, Darkness quickly took over and soon I found my world becoming black as I lost consciousness.

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