Chapter 5

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My eyes opened and I slowly realized it was night. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I was able to hear, see and feel everything in my surroundings perfectly, better than when I lost conscious. I slowly tried getting up. My body ached for a bit but then the pain disappeared. I got up and looked around I was still in the woods and apparently leaves were covering my entire body.

"Great no one would've seen me even if they were here," I said

I expected Ally to reply back to me but then I remembered her screams going silent and watching her die in front of me. A sob escaped my lips. My body felt hollow without her, a big part of me was missing. Then I remembered my parents, they must be so worried. I had to tell them that staying outside was painful but their brave daughter had bared it. I started to walk towards where I thought the castle would be. After a lot of walking, I began to see my castle far away. I started to run towards it. I was going home to my parents. I was going to blame Valerie, Alex, and Jack but mostly Jack. He should've done something to save me. I was sure I was going to break my relationship with him.

I have finally entered the village near the town. I saw people gawking and staring at me. Some moms hid their children from me. Some people ran back inside as soon as they saw me while some froze in their places. Whats wrong with them? Shouldn't they be happy I'm back home?

"What's wrong with you guys," I asked, though it wasn't from anyone in particular. No one answered me. All of them looked at me with hatred, disgust and some of them had a little bit of pity. I didn't understand why were they acting this way? I let out a sigh and kept walking towards the castle. I needed to find mom and dad before I solved any mystery.

I entered town and got the same reaction. People stared, gawked, screamed and some of them even ran. I sighed and headed towards the castle. Upon reaching the castle a wave of relief washed over me. Finally, I could ask my parents what's going on. I reached for the gates but the guards stopped me from doing so.

"You are not welcomed here," said the guard angrily and he pointed his gun at me.

"What do you mean? This is my house, I live here. Don't you know who I am?" I asked him angry and frustrated

"We know who you are but according to the orders given, we must kill you at sight. You should be grateful we're only telling you to leave." The other guard stepped up

"Now wait just a second! You can't forbid me from entering my own house" I said stepping towards them.

Before the guard could reply, the door of the castle opened and dad stepped out. Mom, Aunt Blaze, Valerie, Alex, and Jack accompanied him.

I smiled seeing my parents again brought me so much joy. I smiled." Dad please tell them to let me enter"

Dad stayed silent walking towards me swiftly, he looked furious. The guard should say bye bye to this job I thought to myself. Dad stopped inches away from me. I opened my mouth to tell him what the guard had said to me but was shut up when an intense spread across my cheek. Dad had just slapped me. My cheeks stung with pain and I felt blood rushing to it. I knew it was turning red, I looked at dad shocked and scared at the same time. That's when I noticed the look he was giving me. It contained anger, disgust and hatred, so much hatred that I flinched.

"YOU!" he grabbed me by the collar and threw me across the floor. I landed on the ground with a thud. Searing pain spread across my body. "YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A DAUGHTER, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I got up slowly and looked at my dad. He was heading towards me quickly. I looked at my mom for support but she looked at me with the same hatred and disgust. Dad picked me up again and slapped me, this time with more intensity. It was as if he was trying to show his emotions through his actions.

"What did I do?" I stammered

People had begun to gather around us. Tears were streaming down my as I looked at dad for an explanation to all of this hatred and disgust. Dad grabbed my color once more and threw me once again on the floor. I groaned in pain.

"YOU BROKE THE MAJOR LAW OF OUR KINGDOM." He yelled. It was as if he was informing the people.

"Dad it wasn't my fault. She took me to the forest and I was locked up-----" but before I could finish my sentence. Alex had stepped up and kicked me in the stomach. I let out a scream of pain. Alex didn't stop at one kick but he kicked me multiple times.

"I don't want to hear her name from your filthy mouth, you dirty mutt" he spat

"Mutt?' I whimpered

"It's surprising you don't know this because you pretend to be so smart. If a vampire stays out in the light they're transformed into a werewolf" he said.

I was flabbergasted. Did vampires really transform into werewolves is that why Ally died? IS that why I felt that severe pain? Is that why people are looking at me with hatred?

Alex grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I screamed in pain, he chuckled at this "And since you broke the law you are now a werewolf and no longer welcomed into the Vampire Kingdom"

A loud menacing growl was heard. Everyone gasped and whispers filled the atmosphere. I realized that the growl had come from me. Alex let go of my hair and instantly stepped back, wiping his hand as if I had some deadly disease. Dad came in front of me his stare was so intense.

"You are no longer a part of our world you filthy mutt" he whispered. It was only enough for me to hear then he stepped back, the next words that came out of his mouth left me speechless "I KING PARKER MASON HEREBY BANISH YOU ASTRID PARKER FROM THE VAMPIRE KINGDOM. GUARDS TAKE HER TO THE FOREST AND KILL HER THERE" he said turning away from me.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Is the man standing in front of me really my father? Is the woman standing behind him, my mother? I couldn't take it anymore. Tears had begun to fall crazily down my cheeks and now I was sobbing loudly.

"Dad please—"

"GUARDS!" he yelled

I flinched at his loud voice. The guards came towards me, grabbed my hands and tied them behind my back. I didn't resist them. I let them drag me towards the forest. I heard people whisper around me. Tears were still falling I was still sobbing. I was hurt physically as well as mentally. The guards put me in the car and dashed towards the forest. Upon reaching the forest, one guard stayed behind whereas the other took me. He stopped at a certain point and loaded his gun.

"Please don't" I whispered.

"It's not my choice ms," he said. I could see a bit of pity in his eyes,

"Please, it wasn't my fault. I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I fell to his knees and cried loudly "Please please believe me. I'm telling you the truth. I didn't mean any of this. I'm sorry I really am. I-I-I" I was crying loudly. The guard sat beside me and looked at me. I forced out another please. He brought his hands to my face and wiped away my tears.

"I believe you," he said and let out a sigh "How can someone be so cruel?" He rubbed my back gently. A while later he pulled away and cut the ropes off of my hands "Go get out of here" he said motioning for me to run. I got up thanked him and ran. I ran through the forest as fast as my legs could carry me. I sprinted through the woods as fast as I could, knowing if I was caught on this land I would be killed. It won't take a lot of time before this news spreads. I have to get out of here before people try to capture me.

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