Chapter 14

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Valerie's P.O.V
"Good job Princess. Today's training was excellent" Zayn my coach said
Dad had ordered him to train me for the battle and everyday I had to wake up early and start training. I didn't like it but if I we were going to defeat the werewolves we had to train. But I was glad because today was the last day of training cause today was the day we were going to attack.

I exited the training room and headed towards my room. On the way I passed my parents new room cause the old one didn't have a roof. I heard someone sobbing.
"How many times have o told you not to speak of her. SHE IS DEAD" I heard dads voice. He was pretty mad.
"She's my own daughter how can I fight her?" Mom replied her voice cracked in the middle.

Ugh why does she have to be so possessive over her daughter like woman can't you ever notice me?

Igneous roared inside of me and I knew it wanted to come out but I couldn't do that at the moment. Dad had told me to use igneous only while training. I didn't want to listen to their conversation so I just left.


A few hours had passed and now everyone was ready to head to the werewolf kingdom. Mom, dad and I walked outside the castle and stood in front of our people.
"My dear citizens today is the day we head towards our worst enemies land and take back what is rightfully ours. They are preventing us from having what our forefather had fought for. I ask each and everyone of you to fight for justice. These neutral lands will bring many benefits to our future generations. SO ARE YOU READY?"

"YES SIR" everyone yelled

Astrid's P.O.V

Alpha Xavier, Beta Adrian and Gamma Westin along with the army were standing on one side of the neutral lands with their weapons in hand. Some of the soldiers were standing as wolves whereas the others were humans well equipped with weapons.
Xavier was in human form whereas Adrian and Westin were in wolf form. Xavier had sent a few of his spies to the vampire kingdom to check for any sign of war. And they reported that today was the day the vampires were going to attack.
I was standing in the fortress at the back of the entire army room in a fortress that signified the beginning of the werewolf kingdom. I kind of wished that I had chosen this path to escape the vampire kingdom considering it was plain land without any stones or something. Xavier hadn't allowed me to be on the battle field and i didn't blame him I mean my performance in the test was really bad.
But that didn't lessen the fact that I was constantly cursing  at Xavier for not letting me fight. Call me stubborn.

I can totally feel the love tonight Astrid. Xavier linked me

Well don't blame you're the one who's not letting me fight so face the consequences bruh I linked back

If it keeps you safe. :) he said


A few minutes later I heard noises. Hundreds or maybe Thousands of men were approaching us. Xavier and everyone else prepared for battle. The footsteps cane closer and closer until they were practically right in front of us and they stopped. Silence filled the air and the atmosphere became tense. A man slowly appeared from the darkness. He had a sword dangling from his waist. He was walking slowly towards the werewolf army. A smirk was plastered across his face as he walked forward. That man was King Parker Mason. He stopped a few distance away from the werewolf army.

"Well look who it is. My favorite son in law." he said grinning wickedly. "You know I hate to do this to the newly wed couple and their army so lets make a deal. You hand over the neutral land to us and we'll leave you and your army alone."

All he got in response was a growl from Xavier followed by the growls of the army.

"I'll take that as a no" He said with a sigh. "Oh well we could always do it the hard way Alpha" he spat the alpha and that made me growl. Of course it wasn't heard by anyone. And then we saw hundred and thousands of vampires approaching from behind. I gulped and stepped back a bit pinning myself against the wall of the tower. Then my eyes landed on Xavier he was shifting into a wolf. He got into an attacking position and so did my father. That's when the fight began.
Werewolves pounced at vampires and vampires at werewolves. The two armies mixed and it was hard to identify anyone.
I stood there in the tower watching everything patiently and anxiously. My heart was beating at a very fast rate but I knew I had to stay calm. I had to stay calm because if I didn't Xavier would get worried for me and that would distract him.
I searched for any familiar face in the army. My eyes scanned each fighting figure. Then my eye landed on Adrain. I only recognized him cause he was in human form, he was fighting some vampire and it looked like he was winning. The vampire threw punches at his face but Adrian dodged them like it was nothing and then the next thing I know he is dead on the ground with a knife in his chest. Adrian then walked to some other soldier. I felt like puking. I quickly sat down on the ground I couldn't watch this, any of this. Sheira?

Hey Astrid

What do you think I should do? Sheira has gone to the back of my mind for the past few days. Guess we were both sad about the war. Even though Sheira never met my family she still didn't want to kill any of them.

I honestly don't know

The fight was still on and off decided to get a
peek again. This time I searched for Xavier's wolf. I scanned and scanned until my eyes landed on his brown wolf. He was fighting Aidens father. Aiden I had found out from Jack also converted into a werewolf.
Xavier was winning considering how strong he was. Xavier threw punches at his face and Aidens father was able to dodge them. Just as Xavier was about to snap his neck in half I heard a deafening gunshot.
Everyone halted in their positions. I didn't see who had been shot and I was trying to figure that out until my eyes landed on Xavier. He fell to the ground lifeless.
And that's when everything went black.

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