Chapter 8

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Valerie's P.O.V

Guys?" I heard her innocent whisper


I grabbed the door slammed it shut purposely making a loud sound. Alex and I both laughed at our victory whereas Jack stayed silent with guilt present in his eyes. 

"Valerie" She said while tapping on the door. I'm stuck let me out" now she was screaming.

Nooooo really?

"You pathetic excuse for a sister, getting all the attention and everything else on your Goddamn wishlist whereas I get nothing" I yelled

"Valerie I don't know what you're talking about please let me out" she pleaded. My bat chuckled and I smirked.

She doesn't know what we're talking about? Well she will once she comes back

"Stay here that's your punishment," I said firmly. After she realized I was of no use she screamed for her soon to be ex-fiancé.

"JACK". "JACK LET ME OUT PLEASE!" She cried out. I looked over at Jack waiting for his reply. His head went down and he remained silent. Alex and I chuckled and then we started to make our way outside.
Getting out of the house I went to the back of it.
"What are you doing" whispered Jack
"We need to leave a space open so she can come outside" I replied.
I broke a tiny piece of the wood silently. It was big enough for her to fly out as a bat.
Turning around we all headed back towards the car leaving our captive kicking and punching.

Bye bye Astrid. Hope I never see you again

Took the words right out of my mouth. I replied to my bat before starting the car and racing out.
I stopped the car a bit away from the palace and turned towards Alex and Jack.
"You guys know what to do right?" I asked

"Yup" replied Alex while popping the p. Whereas Jack didn't reply just gave me a slight nod. For some reason his attitude annoyed me. Like bruh if you didn't want feel guilty why the hell did you participate in it.

You didn't really give him a choice

True I mumbled.

"MOM" I screamed as I entered the castle shedding fake tears which I had gotten out by poking my eyes.

"Valerie? What's wrong dear. Where's Astrid?" She asked with concern. Seriously? Why do you care so much about Astrid?

"Mom I wanted to tell you but——-" I didn't finish my sentence and started to sob loudly.

"Valerie?" Mom asked pained. "Come here sit beside me. What happened?"

I sighed and wiped my tears away slowly "I had noticed that Astrid was acting weird and well one day I caught her talking to a guy in the phone. When I asked her who it was she dismissed the question and don't answer. I had managed to steal her phone and saw her texts.  The guy was a ........ i stopped in mid sentence trying to make it sound more dramatic.

Oh Valerie you evil little girl

"Who was he?" my mom asked concerned and pained

Oh brother,  don't you see me crying woman?

"He was a werewolf. I replied. My mom gasped. "Later in the conversation I found out that he was also her mate. They both had agreed on keeping a distant relationship"

Mom looked at me dumbfounded. I sniffed and continued " after reading her texts I tried to convince her of staying loyal to Jack but she said she couldn't leave her mate. I kept trying to reason with her. But she didn't budge.

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